[Request] Please do what the Patch Notes actually say

Refer to my screenshot. Screenshot says otherwise. Before it said I had a laundry list to do to open them.


Can be unlocked. Not are unlocked. The wording is what is getting people confused here. Can be unlocked indicates there may yet be something needed. At least to me, that’s how I read it.


Peek lazy.

lolol OP the epitome of what’s wrong with this community.


I can’t help with that, it’s been far too long since I unlocked the allied races to remember exactly how it goes. That just looks like the information screen for them to me. There should be a quest around there somewhere.

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Ok, I guess my stupid self will just wait for the stupid hotfix for Blizzard’s stupid bug that stupidly exists since they stupidly tested none of this on PTR.

Meanwhile you can keep stupidly calling people stupid that you don’t know, on a video game forum, Lord Dunning of House Kruger.

Excerpt from the patch notes:


  • All restrictions for unlocking Allied Races have been removed, with the exception of a level requirement.
  • All Allied Races can now be unlocked once you have a level 40 character on your account (was level 50).“

I know you well enough from this thread to make that call lol


I guess some people have a hard time understanding the difference between “can be unlocked” and “will be unlocked”. :rofl:


When I first logged in yesterday, there WAS two reqs there (level 40 and finishing the embassy thing). I let the game fully patch and now the only thing it says is level 40. Absolutely nothing about having to do a string of extra steps. Just level 40.

So, yes, a lot of confusion going on here.

I mean I’m not going to go totally crazy about it since I rarely play Alliance anyways. I just wish the indie company would get it’s collective you know what together.


Some people like to just make up what they want something to mean (even with evidence to the contrary at their disposal) then get mad that it doesn’t mean what it was never intended to mean


Cool, can I get some help on this De Rham Cohomology research I’ve been working on while we wait for Blizzard’s hotfix of these bugged quests?

Caps, it’s the wording. Literally the wording. On top of that (again, I posted a screenie), the screenie says nothing about any other requirements. Before it would have a list of steps needed to unlock the race.

I’m sure there’s people out there that don’t come here that are scratching their heads about it.


I unlocked them years ago so I don’t have anything to wait for.

So OP was complaining about the content of a document the hadn’t even read?

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I could teleport to any dungeon in the ptr. Not really a good argument


No it’s not. Previously you needed to complete various Legion and BFA quest lines to unlock the Allied Race quests (and originally they included a rep grind too), now the quests simply unlock at level 40.

The AR quest lines feature important lore for the various Allied Races (the VE questline explains how VEs came to exist in the first place), imo they are the one requirement that should NEVER be removed. They’re also fairly quick to do anyway.


I’m making the same exact complaint. Going by the patch notes AND what’s in game, the only requirement seems to be “have a level 40”.

The only indication of otherwise is when you try to make a character (or hover over that races portrait) and it says you need to talk to the embassy Panda.

When you go to the banner though, that last part isn’t stated. Just “requires level 40”.


It seems quite obvious to me that things that are untested on PTR are more likely to be bugged, which is why Zandalari cannot currently be unlocked.

From what I’m hearing it’s not a bug. The npc just isn’t present until you’ve progressed in the zone a little bit.