[Request] Please do what the Patch Notes actually say

They amended the patch notes.

It was on the PTR and intended, but was removed due to last minute issues.


All the requirements are gone. A level 40 character on the account and having to do the recruiting quest is nothing. Took me 20 minutes to unlock mechagnomes last night (even though Iā€™ll never make one) so I could have them all unlocked. Compared to before itā€™s nothing. Super easy.

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Nah, Iā€™m going to actually agree with the OP on this one. i have all the other Allied races open via the old way: except Kul Tirans.

I read the same patch notes OP did. In game, there is literally no indication that additional steps are required. In fact, in game the only requirement shown is: Level 40.

Thatā€™s it.

Iā€™ll post a screen shot if needs be to settle this.


Misinterpretation or not, thatā€™s exactly what the game did on PTR.

This means that the quest requirements were not tested on PTR and as a result, that untested quest to unlock Zandalari is bugged. Is it a shocker that bugs are introduced between live and PTR whenever PTR is fundamentally changed like that?

This is not the hill to die on and itā€™s not the time to run defense for Blizzard. You can analyze the patch wording all you want, what I stated is what was live on PTR and it changed once the patch went live, which resulted in bugs.


If they autoflagged the acquisition quest as completed, there would be complaints, and considering some of those quests are really good, this is ultimately a good thing OP.


Oh, no, not the junk thing. I meant the sending thing.

Durrid reported for trolling and griefing.

The Kul Tiran one is confusing. It sent me to Cyrus. I talked to him, then he sent me to go talk to some old sea captain, but I donā€™t see what any of this has to do with recruiting. (Itā€™s taken me like 45 minutes to do all of this because of the traveling since I donā€™t play Alliance normally.

Again, it was my understanding that I didnā€™t have to go through all of this silliness.


Itā€™s not good that the quests are bugged (at least for Zandalari) since none of this was tested on PTR.

On PTR, you could copy over a lvl 40 from live servers, then make an allied race, and that was it.

This changed when the patch went live, and now there are bugs, because these quests were not tested on PTR in any way.

Thatā€™s what happened.

PTR is a test realm. Everything on PTR is subject to change. Pointing to how it worked on PTR as some sort of argument for why it should work that way on live is pointless.

What does any of that have to do with you failing to read the patch notes correctly?


And anything untested on PTR is likely to be bugged when released, which is why Zandalari cannot be unlocked. Is that really too complicated to understand?

If the PTR would have implemented this in the same way as live, these bugs would not be here.

Itā€™s been a long time since I did the Kulā€™tiran recruiting quest, not since BfA. So I donā€™t remember all the steps.

I do remember that you had to finish all the main story quests in all three zones, max rep with the 3 factions (or at least revered) and get another achievement just to unlock the recruiting quest which I believe involved doing the war campaign. So by comparison this change makes the allied race a free unlock.

I donā€™t mean this next part to be snarky, but are you reading the quests for the recruitment? They explain it all. For example with the mechagnomes, we had to recover Mekkatorques escape pod, take it Mechagon and have the rustbolt resistance help us get him out and revive him. Thus gaining a new ally. It was a neat little quest.

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In game screenshot:

Thereā€™s no indication of additional steps.


Not sure what you mean. I am directly responding to the indicated poster.

Right but I havenā€™t seen you acknowledge that your thread is an outright lie yet.

Nothing in the patches notes was incorrect.

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Brise, this is what the patch notes say on this site in regards to this:

  • All restrictions for unlocking Allied Races have been removed, with the exception of a level requirement.
  • All Allied Races can now be unlocked once you have a level 40 character on your account (was level 50).

This is why Iā€™m personally confused.

Scroll down to where it says characters: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23968772/updated-july-11-dragonflight-fractures-in-time-content-update-notes-now-live


They never said you would be able to mail cross-realm just tradeā€¦ people jumped to conclusions and were wrong. :no_good_man:

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Are you really suggesting that my interpretation of the patch notes is completely unreasonable?

Iā€™m pretty sure most people thought thatā€™s what was happening before two days ago.

Furthermore, itā€™s what the PTR did.

Youā€™re going back in hindsight and grammatically analyzing the patch notes to make them ā€œtechnically not falseā€ even though everything pointed to my interpretation, including the PTR, and now we are left with bugged quests. (You understand that the Zandalari literally cannot be unlocked at all, right?)

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What are you confused about?

There arenā€™t any restrictions now for unlocking them.

You do still have to unlock them, which means doing the recruitment quest.

Most people are stupid, so you can consider yourself in well-populated company at least.