REQUEST Fresh servers, No boosting, No Transfers

The ironic has spoken! He who shuts down conversations with those that use fallacies performs the Ad Hominem! I cannot make this up!

You’re welcome!

fresh servers = dead servers. I think they should give them to you just so you’ll have to transfer off when you can’t field a 25 man raid team because only 25 were attuned and 8 of them quit.

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It’s wild.

Hey, I already conceeded the point. Sure go ahead, have your own servers. By all means, go forth and be happy! I hope they are everytrhing you want them to be.

Recruit a friend existed in TbC.

On a side not, this idea that you should get a special server because you are mad about a one time boost you dont have to use is delusional.

With the classic expectation. There were no boosts nor was there a cash shop in TBC classic. Hell - if they really wanna go nuts they can revert the other changes like the paladins getting both seals etc… However, I do not feel anyone is flustered with the entire myriad of changes.
Most people within these threads seem more frustrated with monetized features - the same features that coincided with the original fall in popularity of World of Warcraft. No, I am not making the argument that these are the reasons for the downfall; hence the use of the word coincidence, but the history speaks for itself.

Your assumption that it never ends is asinine. Other than that, have a good day.

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You are too late. There was an announcement that expressed Blizzards intent to not release RP-PVP servers.
There was an outcry that set a precedent to create specific servers based on that: RP-PVP servers. It is already done.
Your point is mute.


Just cannot leave it alone can you lot. I already said, have your own servers, and be merry on them.

I dropped this whole thread hours ago. Why do you feel the need to keep quoting my posts after I conceded the point?

You just have to go poke the bear and try to stir up the argument again, don’t you. Even after someone has said, Ok, you are right, you cannot stop, you just keep at it.

You keep reciting this as if it was actually a special server. It is a more true-to-classic replication than what is currently rolling out. That is what ALL of this spawned from in the first place…
We all wanted a classic roll-out. I find your narrowmindedness difficult to interpret. That said, you are entitled to your opinion - though I have not seen any of your arguments at all on any of these fresh-based server requests successful at changing anyones’ mind…
Likewise, we have not changed yours.

That is fine, but you succeed in nothing but wasting time. I get the sensation if TBC or the pre-patch were live we would not have to suffer through your close-minded opinions. Meanwhile, we are passionate about it enough that we would still be making these requests (even if some of us were playing on a tbc server anyway)

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Apologies, I have a tendency to reply to things as I read through them so they are fresh in my mind… I had not gotten to this point yet.

Have a great one.

Deal. Happy to put to rest this assumption through example… I believe many of us relish the idea of proving you wrong.
This amounts to just another “you think you do but you don’t moment” that I am confident we will see conquered.


Heh. “You think you do, but you don’t…”

“We don’t need to release any Oceanic servers for WoW Classic as there is no market there…” (They later released two, one PvP and one PvE…)

“We only need one of each server ruleset for the Oceanic servers. We won’t need any more than that…” (They had to create two more servers due to the huge amount of players in the Oceanic region)

“We don’t need any RP-PvP servers created for WoW Classic. Just Pve and PvP servers will do…” (They later created two RP-PvP servers)

I am noticing a trend here…

Can I guarantee that new fresh TBC Classic servers with no cash shop conveniences will be wildly successful? No, I cannot. I unfortunately do not have that magic-eight-ball that many other folks here on the forums have that can accurately predict the future otherwise I would have my lottery numbers picked out for next week!! :smiley:

What I can say is that there appears to be more than a few people who are keen for servers with that ruleset. They may be quite successful and populous or they might just be a ghost town, I really cannot say with any validity. But they do appear to be in high demand judging from the number of likes our formal request thread has: A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers - #2043 by Piper-shadowsong

All the naysayers remind me of everyone who originally did not think that WoW Classic would work, or that they needed any Oceanic servers, or that people didn’t really want RP-PvP servers. They say they don’t, but they really don’t know that many do. :slight_smile:



For some reason a few posters like to pretend this is some complex, convoluted, complicated process. When it’s really just fresh servers with no boosts or transfers. It’s incredibly simple.

I’d like to go ahead and make an addition to this:
I think the key is that all of us are willing to take that chance. So much so that if it does not work out we can either be merged into an existing server or even be forced to start all over on a boosted server or whatever.
I am not above a little punishment. If the servers are dead and I have to start over with a 58 or whatever - I will do that.
That said, I am incredibly confident this will not be the case. But if it is, I will be humbled and accept whatever fate Blizzard doles out.

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I’m confident a fresh server would not only be wildly successful, but to such a degree Blizz would probably have to make more. So yeah, obviously I’d roll on such a server no matter the risks. Because there is no risk.


Here, lemme get this for you before some troll does.

Citation needed.

You’re welcome.
(psst, I agree with you)

There’s as much risk getting hit by a meteor walking outside my house.

But you’re right some trolls will say that. They’re terrified of the success of a fresh server, because how can something they don’t want be so popular? Such is human nature.

Citation needed ^_~

lol, okay, I am done trolling. I’ll step back and let the real trolls takeover whomever they may be.
I agree with you.

I second this statement. I am willing to take the chance if Blizzard is. From what I have read, there are more than just a few of us willing to do so as well. Should it fail, I would also accept the consequences and merge or move if I had to.



It’s almost like the fresh server crowd refuses to acknowledge that Blizzard did not include fresh servers in their TBC rollout. I bet Blizz realizes that the same crowd would be clamoring for more fresh servers every few months.

I have a suggestion…start a new thread where the fresh server crowd threatens to quit playing if they don’t get what they want. Boy, if anything could work I bet that will.