REQUEST Fresh servers, No boosting, No Transfers

Simple, Fresh servers with no transfers allowed to it and No boosting allowed in said server… Make it happen just a few. If it works it works if not you will have the I told you so moment… but let me remind you of “you think you do but you don’t” and “you all have cell phones don’t you” with a few others I rather not bring up.


This is the sort of outside the box thinking we need around here.


I don’t see why not. I won’t keep anyone from playing the game the way they wish. I, however, will buy a boost.

Wouldn’t hurt to have a few servers like this. Heck, they have RP servers so why not have these ones too.


Thank you brother for your post. FRESHNOBOOST FRESHNOBOOST


There is going to be a boost??? When was this announced? Why keep posting the same topics over and over again. We get it, you want a fresh server with no boost.

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squeaky wheel gets the oil


“please make a server specifically for my point of views that I fully intend to not fund in any way myself” all I see here


Why should they? You gonna pay for it?

Make 24 friends go level together fresh and proceed to do content. Do not drag your wants into the game because it does not align with others progression of the game.

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That’s too much logic, what do you mean you can just progress in the game without paying ? No way ! I would rather give Blizzard/Activision my money, they’re only a small indie company, they need as much as they can get ! Who cares what design is implemented in an MMO, it shouldn’t affect you at all !

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the markets on these servers are already destroyed

The AH is ran by the current market value. For instance, right now on any given server, you can look at the price of say green starter leveling gear sitting at 1-3 gold. Who do you think is buying this gear, not fresh to the server players. Its people with alts and disposable gold.

So that now trickles down to who can lvl more effectively, those with gold. Heck I even was denied from a Wailing Caverns run at lvl 20 on a shaman for still having some grey items.

not to mention the cost of lets say low level ore… people are selling and buying at a high gold price to stockpile for resale at relase for those jewel crafters. again not obtainable for fresh character and thus driving up the cost of everthing on the AH.

all in all fresh characters are hindered in all aspects until they take time after taking longer to level due to not having advantages of wealth to catch up in gold to match the market.

The parallels to real-world wealth inequality are quite fascinating and id love to see an economist mager write a thesis paper on it, much like the CDC did with the corrupted blood incident


Despite disagreeing with the notion, I don’t hate the members in favor for it, and I still like them, so I’ll give them free advertising. Got a big thread about it, right here: A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers


Its not just my point of veiw its thousands due to the my above reply… why do you even care about my request/propasition how does it affect you on your server with an establised character.

they are a multimillion-dollar company that we the players fund as a whole and there are thousands of us requesting a server so yes the demand is there we already fund them, its in their interest… they can use some of the profits from the 58 boosts they will be collecting or merge dwindling servers of shadowlands since that is currently becoming barren… how ever they decide they can do it…


How about no dungeon boosting and no gdkps either? (ie would be considered against ToS for that server and reportable)

Not to mention the fact that they already create different ruleset servers already. That’s why we have RP, PvE, PvP, and RP-PvP servers. So that people who want to play with different rulesets can. No one “paid” them for doing that other than with their subscriptions.

Forward to WoW Classic and they announce no RP-PvP servers. After many requests (like this one) from the community we now have two RP-PvP servers. Again, no one “paid” Blizzard to do that other than with their subscriptions to play on those particular types of servers because that is what they enjoy.

There used to be an axiom quoted often for my generation: “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” It relates to the fact that if you give people what they want, they will quite often pay you for doing so. Giving RPG’ers some new fresh TBC Classic servers with no cash shop conveniences or transfers actually fulfills such a request and would result in more money for Blizzard from that same community who would subscribe to play on those types of servers.

It would be no different than the creation of the RP-PvP server that were requested at the start of WoW Classic. People who do not want to play on those servers, simply create characters on ones with a different ruleset to them. New TBC Classic servers would not adversely affect the min/max and Retail tourist crowd in any way as they already have their ruleset servers. Many of us are just asking for the same consideration is all.

Alas maybe consideration has just gone by the wayside for much of Humanity. Time will tell…



This isn’t accurate for TBC though. You’d need to add recruit a friend boosting for an authentic experience.

I guess you don’t then…

Nah, I just replace the wheel with one that doesn’t squeak.

Request denied


There’s no need for fresh servers when there are perfectly empty servers you can roll onto if you’d like with completely vacant economies. Thalnos is a good option, less than 30 60’s on at peak hours, no raiding guilds to speak of, and an AH with no raid materials on it to speak of, and under 150 total auctions across all item categories. Go, run wild!

Blizzard won’t be making anything fresh when they have dead realms as is.


There were plenty of low pop realms in Vanilla and TBC when Blizz kept adding new servers.

People like fresh starts. The demand is more than adequate. There’s no reason for Blizz not to add at least one of each type.