REQUEST Fresh servers, No boosting, No Transfers

had to change it as it was hurting my eyes. hehe

what about golfing into the void?

I support this, when you are driving in light years, you know you’ve made it. Bonus points if you manage to hit Apophis.

The same argument could be made for your point.

“Do not drag your wants into the game” is your want versus the wants of others.

If your point relies on that logic then by your logic you are also against the wants of others. I too want a realm with no RM paid boost services.

Exactly. This is the way it can be done. If they are willing.

K, now I’ve gotta go marathon SG-1 again. You win this round.

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People keep on citing Thousands of players wanting fresh servers as a valid argument. What makes you think Blizzard cares about thousands? If it was hundreds of thousands maybe they would notice, but Thousands does not move the needle for them.

gotta start at the beginning

(whole movie with ads)

Stargate Atlantis is the realness.

Oh hi, I’m here to voice my support for fresh no boost no transfer. Hi.

Hey, I was away this week, am I crazy or did the forum fonts change a little? Maybe it’s just a browser update. Who knows.


Surely that makes offering a realm with that option as a choice, no?

So let’s play this out shall we?

They make these servers, it now sets the precedent that the players can get special servers for personal reasons.

  • “Hey, I hate horde, I want special Alliance-only servers.”
  • “Hey, we hate elite raiders, we want special servers where the raids are easier.”
  • “Hey, we do not like playing with people who have not got 1000+ hours in the game, can we get special “Veteran Only” servers.”
  • “We do not like players who do not raid, can we get a special server that kicks anyone who has not raided this week.”

Where would it stop?

I’ll accept your argument. Here’s mine.

There were no RM-paid-level boosts in TBC. That should be the default option.

Then if you want to pay a fee to have realms that offer paid boost options there is your selection option.

Regardless, you’re making up a list of demands that are intentionally nonsensical to try and make some obtuse point.

The point I am making is a simple one, a realm or realms with no RM-paid-boost as it was in original TBC. That’s not a hard ask. It’s the way it was and should be.

Where would it stop? It wouldn’t have started if the paid boost would not have been introduced. See? I never wanted to start the conversation in the first place.


What I am trying to do is point out to you that it sets a precedent. If you get this request, I am pretty sure there will be others that follow, maybe not these specific one, but they will come.

Once a group see that you demanded special servers to support your demands, they will see this as the opportunity to do the same. The flood gates will open and any group with some particular demand for special servers will use this as there platform to do the same.

By your own arguments they do not have to listen to me or any of them as well.

Regardless, I will continue to state that asking for an TBC Classic realm or realms to exist as they did originally with no real money paid boost option should be a thing they consider.


I’m fine with the boost. I’m fine with boosting toons in dungeons and I’m fine with gdkp runs. I don’t understand why people are trying to stand in the way of players getting a fresh start, no 58 boost server. Just as the 58 boost doesn’t harm them, a fresh no boost server doesn’t harm anyone else. It’s 1 maybe 2 servers that we are already paying for.


People have been asking for no multiboxer servers, no world buff servers, no mage boosting servers, a hard core server where your character is deleted when you die etc. I don’t care if they start all these servers, I just won’t play on them. But I doubt that most of the ideas have enough support to populate a server enough that it’s a playable MMO.

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Even now, some of us want special Streamer servers. If they get their demanded special serve, I will most certainly demand we get streamer only servers.

And anyone that has ever wanted any of those server types will use this as the precedent to demand theirs.

Ultimately sure, it will not impact me, let them get a special server. But I was trying to be the voice of reason and provide some perspective on why the idea might be bad or even backfire.

By hey, you are right, it will not impact me playing. So sure, let them have the special server.

I played for three months just before the pandemic and have recently returned. I started over on Grobbulus because there is less than 100 players left on my old realm, arcanite reaper, and 8 of them are my characters. So less than 92, haha.

Anywho, what you say concerning the economy seems right on. I was shocked about the prices on AH. I rolled druid with gathering and skinning and already have 150 gold from that at level 30. But my gear sucks. I earned a few good pieces in my twenties, and try to buy things cheaply ahead of time when there are bargains. But everything green or higher is outrageously priced. It’s silly at this point.

Fresh servers will likely happen, as they should happen. (They had them in original expansion launch. And the economy was normal then, with no one having future knowledge of game mechanics and economy.

If they don’t happen, I might look into a low/medium populated server to reroll on and progress into TBC.


Great, so if I understand this correctly the new argument is, “If we get fresh new servers for TBC Classic with no cash shop conveniences on them, it sets a precedent where Blizzard actually starts listening to its player base and considers giving them what they want.”

And this is bad how? I mean I know people will request all kinds of things, but it doesn’t mean that Blizzard will necessarily consider them. And even if they do, how again is more variety of server rulesets to choose from bad? There may be some population problems with them either being too full or too empty, but they already have those problems now and have to deal with them.

God forbid they maybe start listening to their customers and considering what they want. What kind of way is that to run a business?!?!?! :wink:

As for “streamer only” servers… Sure, why not? Might be interesting to see a server that only has streamers on it. Many streamers and YouTubers are the reason so many people know every loop, dodge, and exploit in WoW Classic. They sensationalize them on their channels and even give step-by-step instructions on how best to exploit the servers for personal and/or monetary gain. A server with only streamers on it might be like watching a “Lord of the Flies” or “Hunger Games” server where they all try their best to out do each other in exploits and sensationalism. I might actually watch that stream. Might… :smiley:
