REQUEST Fresh servers, No boosting, No Transfers

I don’t know what you’re even trying to say.

Just another person who can’t imagine people desire something they don’t.

new normal servers will happen as Blizzard sees fit. It’s up to their view on the servers’ population and capacity after TBC launch. if it’s a huge success we will likely see new servers.

What people desire is the impossible. Boost will happen as announced. Demanding no boost new servers is like asking for a new supermarket without automated self-checkout machines.

A new supermarket will open when the local population can support. Be patient please.

It’s not impossible. It’s very simple actually.

15$ a month funds the server…wait your not gatekeeping other players from playing the way they want are you?


Believe it or not this happens. Interesting analogy - were you attempting to prove us right with it? If so, thank you for the support.

It happened with the original Launch of TBC. It is, simply put, a slightly more accurate representation of the original launch.


False equivalency.

I fought for Classic WoW. I play on the one and only Normal Classic RP Server. However, when you look at the population numbers of said Servers, that you listed, they’re all LOW populated Servers with the exception of Bloodsail Buccaneers, HOWEVER, BB is only Medium Pop with a bad Alliance and Horde Ratio. GL playing Horde on that Server.

Context matters. ALL those Servers created, didn’t exactly bloom the way the original servers flourished. Also, have some foresight. Think about Blizz’s history when dealing and handeling “dead” servers. I don’t find it to be good idea to constantly create NEW Server after NEW Server, that by the time Perma hits, we have all of these Servers to deal with.

This doesn’t just affect me, but ALL of us. And, once again, I have no doubt in my mind, that Blizz will provide NEW Servers for BC. Turning off the 58 Level Boost Feature…I’m not sure about that one.

I do not agree with that all.

I agree.

See? We’re not all that different from each other :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

There’s definitely more people that view Outlands as “BC” and rather jump into it straight away. However, NEW Servers does provide that “reset” towards Server Population, Faction Balance, Server Economy, etc. It won’t last for long, though. Only a matter of time.

I don’t want NEW Servers, but IK they’ll be avail. With the Level 58 Boost Feature turned on.

Ah, History… Such a wonderful teacher. Too bad most people simply skipped her class, eh? :wink:


Yeah it’s impossible to have boostless servers! Ok. Do people not realize every eternal Classic server won’t have boosts? But even if it’s disabled for a matter of months…at least that’s something. Most players will have used up their boost by then anyway.

I think what he means is fresh through progressive co tent release.

Seems every patch from Blizzard
That scratches your rogue or wizard
Lose a couple of percents and you never know what to do
Your trade rants are annoying
So everyone just ignores ‘em
Then you head out to the forums and start yellin’ for a blue
Because your digi-phallus
Was shrunk in the name of balance
You just have to spread your malice
Even though you know it’s true
So go and work your mining
Act like a b**h and keep whining
Now that you ain’t OP
It seems your winning streak is through

Far as I can recall
You laughed and just said try get off
When my cla** was getting nerfed
But now the bat has come for you
It seems your strategy
Of just mashin’ on all the keys
Doesn’t work anymore
Now I’m laughing every time you lose
Why not just blame your game though
Just like you did with your nintendo
Claiming your controller broke
So your ego won’t get a bruise
Cause man it’s just your time
You were just next one in line
But don’t worry
Every patch, another cla** just has to get screwed

Now every time you’re findin’ yourself feared, stunlocked or blinded
Or face a bubbled up pally and hate their immunity
Despite how much you’re trolling
At all these no-sk**ed facerolling playas
Maybe you should STFUand L2P

(Cause they nerfed you. Your shty cla needs a blue)
Cause everyone on earth hides when blizzard goes-a nerfin’
When they leave your toon a-worthless someone gotta find a blue
(Cause they nerfed you. You got knocked down a peg or two)
Cause everyone on earth hides when blizzard goes-a nerfin’
But I think it’s about time you got knocked down a peg or two


You start to favor the games newest monthly flavor
Just like all your cla**'s players
And decide to start a-new
You level for a while
The new toon is versatile
But meanwhile, Bu-Blizzard smiles
And a new patch is pursued

Should-a seen it comin’
But you were just havin’ fun an’
Ru-ru-running through every dungeon you got invited to
But then in just a few days
We get a new content tuesday
And your toon is overhauled
Cause the balance is overdue

Might as well delete it
Your new toon just can’t compete an’
As the cycle is repeated
A new flavor is debuted
The forums once again are all a flamin’
Heads-a spinnin’ from these wars
But Blizzards grinning
“Thanks for playing
Drive on through!”

So Hunters keep on hunting
And Rogues, you just keep on stunnin’
Shamans still ain’t all that fun
But you keep shaman-in-ing too

When your cla** gets upgrading
You’re no longer picked for raiding
Please shut up with your nerd raging
And just quitely QQ

Now every time you find yourself feared, stunlocked or blinded
Or face a bubbled up pally and hate their immunity
Despite how much you’re trolling
At all these no-sk**ed facerolling playas
Maybe you should STFUand L2P

Cause everyone on earth hides when blizzard goes-a nerfin’
When they leave your toon a-worthless
Someone gotta find a blue
Cause everyone on earth hides when blizzard goes-a nerfin’
But I think it’s about time you got knocked down a peg or two"

lol, no they don’t. The squeaky wheel gets ignored in this case. Or the wheel gets replaced with a nice new shiny wheel that has boosts and a CE edition.

Is your job…
Thats what you are doing…
Unless you want people to think that you just really care…

Like the 4-5 other people commenting on any and all topics where people are voicing their disdain… all sounding the same… super classy jayteam…

Saying the same things…


But doesnt work here guys they just really care a lot…


time for Blizz to do the right thing give us fresh

Not sure where these folks asked for you to be forced to play with them on their fresh server. But go ahead and pretend to be a victim, you’re doing great so far.
They might ruin your progression!!!1😱

I doubt we will be getting any fresh servers since Activision Blizzard is selling their own boosting services.

WELL, they could charge a fee for fresh no boosts/no transfers to compensate

$15/Month seem good to you?

so total monthly price is 30$?

Nah, just the sub fee. I’m kinda surprised the game sub is still the same amount after 15+ years. Maybe they’re taking into account for inflation.

me too :grin: