REQUEST Fresh servers, No boosting, No Transfers

Why fresh servers when there are many medium/low pop servers? Just get everyone interested in fresh servers and go populate a dead realm, it will most likely feel the same.


Fresh starts to to end up as ghost towns rather quickly. From experience, as I had a habit of rolling on them when they came about, not all failed, but a LOT did which is why they haven’t rolled out fresh starts in retail for a long while. Citing vanilla/tbc is a poor argument, as that is a period where blizzard still had no idea what actually worked for the health of their game, and it was kind of the wild west. As it stands now, you aren’t getting a fresh start server with no boost, the financial incentive isn’t there for blizzard. They get the same sub fee regardless, anyone who quits because of this fact was going to quit anyway.

The one time boost sales will make more for them in the long run, and incentivize more returning players than the folks who whine for a fresh start and then quit after 1-2 months and go back to their decked out T3 60 and just level that instead.

You can say this as many times as you want, but it doesn’t matter. The demand for a fresh server is huge. They’d be fools not to do it.


Fresh servers are just going to become like the servers are now. No boosts? I’ll just buy a boost. no gold? I’ll just buy gold. No transfers? …well ok no transfers.

Only way anything changes is if blizzard cracks down hard on botting, which isn’t gonig to happen

Yes, but Thalnos is a PvP server. For those who do not want to play with that particular ruleset, some new fresh TBC Classic servers with rulesets on them that they DO like will insure that people stick around and keep playing TBC Classic longer. Longer life for the game and more subscriptions for Blizzard.

It’s win/win! :smiley:


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Also, I’m not a mindless sheep nor zombie. I’m not going to exactly go around chanting “‘Fresh’ Servers, no Boosts, no Transfers”, when I think the message has a lot of holes in it, and the folks chanting it don’t really seem to care about what I want, therefore I really don’t care what they want. But, I have no personal gripes against any of you.

There are dead PvE servers Thalnos is just one example, there are dead RP servers. You can pick your own ghost town to rebuild at your leisure, and due to their reputation people transferring to them is extremely unlikely! Bonus.

For Blizzard its Win/Lose. You win, they lose. Adding new realms when they have unaddressed dead realms is a bad look, from a financial standpoint its a loss for them, and historically fresh start servers with new expansions tend to become dead servers too, so its a loss no matter what.

Anyone who actually wants to play TBC will, regardless of a fresh server being implemented. So despite the “demand” you claim to have, the existence of the server will not impact the success of TBC whether or not its created.

Fresh TBC servers :sunglasses:


Thanks, but no thanks. :slight_smile:

I will wait to see what Blizzard decides to do. You appear to think you are an authorized representative for them or have some secret insight into their operations and decision making, but I highly doubt that. There are a great many number of posts requesting new fresh TBC Classic servers with a high amount of likes to them. So, I highly doubt your gloom and doom scenario.

However you seem to take great offense over this topic for some reason even though it doesn’t affect you in the slightest. Not sure why, but it is obvious to me now that if I keep attempting to debate you that you will just keep trolling me posing as an authority of Blizzard with a prophecy of doom. I think it best to just move on at this point. :smiley:



I personally probably wouldn’t wind up playing on one, but I don’t see the harm in allowing people to play the way they want to. If all else fails, I’ve heard there’s a re-roll that started recently on Arcanite Reaper that had a pretty good number of people in it.

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It doesn’t make fiscal sense, so that’s the harm to the bean counters.

But yea, even if there were, I wouldn’t play on them either, I don’t think the population will sustain.

I doubt many people will want to leave established characters behind to level again.

Fair enough, I’ll be happy for the people who want them if it happens and won’t lose sleep if it doesn’t.

Pre-patch can’t come fast enough imo.

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It does affect me. I’m tired of seeing this thread 4-5 times a day, Blizzard has stated it has no intention of creating a fresh server, and its even more unlikely that a fresh server wouldn’t allow a transfer or boost as that cuts into the Blizzard profit margin.

The fresh server request is just another product of the anti-boost posts, and between anti-boost posts and pro-boost posts, like 80% of the forum front page is consumed by this useless “debate”. Its already clear from blizzard boosts are happening, and new servers aren’t being considered. Its exhausting to see the same people debating this is new threads daily. There’s more productive stuff to talk about that hasn’t been decided.


Getting a lot of wall of no vibes from this guy.

Also I don’t care if you have to see it 100 more times get over it we’re going to express ourselves and that shouldn’t hurt you in any way.


At least be decent enough to express yourselves in a Megathread, that way you can scream into the void in unison, and leave room for other conversations to be seen.

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KK, but your profile shows that you only joined the forums on February 2nd. Just three days ago. You are on what appears to be a Beta license access to the forums and have created 0 topics. Did someone come and shoulder-tap you to start reading the forums and then this bothered you?

You are a relative stranger to the forums from what I can tell of your profile. If they disturb you that much perhaps it would be best for you to stop reading them. No need to stress yourself over things you did not even care about a few days ago. :smiley:


I don’t think I will

No, I was using my retail character for a while (Which was my mage from Vanilla WoW), but then got accused of not being a classic player so I switched profiles to my classic main. I’ve been active on the forums for over a decade (In case you decide to be facetious, obviously not this forum specifically).

Nice try to discredit my argument without actually addressing it.


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Great, now I have the theme song from the BBC special going through my head. :smiley:

Such an AWESOME series!!
