Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

Peepojorts on living flame is my sod toon

Blizzard have stated it has made it easier for them to trace and detect RMT.

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So are people who use the word cringe to describe everything they don’t like.

Parsing blue is cringe :persevere:

Yeah very briefly before they adapted and started trading gold in other ways like through the AH.

You can /who stockade or watch a youtube video of bots no clipping through walls and farming stockade to see its very much still a thing.

Sounds more like they are just patting themselves on the back without solving the realm problem which are bots.


Either way, even if it did nothing at all, it’s still better for the game denying swipers from swiping their way to BIS.

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Yes - just sticking to reality.

I’m a man of many talents :stuck_out_tongue: and buying gold is not one of them

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GDKPs still happen, to this day, despite “RMT being easier to detect.” It’s just not as rampant. If people want to buy gold, they’re going to buy gold.

It’s a fat L on Blizzard’s end and they’ve convinced people to stick their collective heads in the sand and pretend they won.


GDKP was some sweaty nonsense that destroyed the game and its banning is a big reason why SOD is as popular as it is.


Thank you for putting my thoughts into words

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That’s factually incorrect. We’ve lost 70% of the top. We didn’t even hit the bottom of last phase as our top. Why are you coping about something so easy to disprove. Arguments about what it’s done for game health are subjective.

About the pop? No. SoD has lost far and away more pop than it’s gained from the change. This isn’t up for debate, it’s data based facts.

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There were more raid groups clearing BFD in phase 1 than Gnomer in phase 2 so this is demonstrably false. The player base has only lost players due to this decision.


No, you are just being dumb and trying to equate the gkp ban with subscriber loss because it makes you feel better.

In reality, any subscriber drop is much more likely to be related to the atrocious classes balancing and general higher commitment required to get to 40 before the xp buff.

I’m sorry you can’t swipe your way to victory any more, but it’s better for the game.


dear god please, im so broke from raiding the last month. I got zero gear, I literally just go and spend gold so other people can get gear. its disgusting, and its burnt me out.

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I vote No. Get rid of the summon spamming bots too. And the mage bots.

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oh dear that’s awful

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I am in the middle with GDKP i support them but do not frequently run them. I prefer to play with my guild on my main. But Phase 2 SoD has been the one of the worst raiding experience so far, especially on alts. Just load up forums and its never been this much complaining about parse/logs runs. Well… this is what the game becomes when there is no GDKP. You either GDKP or parse/log. I am sure GDKP will come back in Phase 3 if not 100% by level 60. Once they run out of phases and the sub count drops even more than it is currently i think they’ll reintroduce it.

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Bad take /10