Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

you know, I am enjoying playing less, with gkps i ran more chars… With out just two for the guild, The 4 less raids and farming each week is nice.

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Hell to the naw
Gdkp is for rich not the working man

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gdkp doesn’t interfere with guild runs we all know this. It interferes with non-guild runs. I do not play or raid regularly so no guild will keep a spot open for me. But two whole guilds thats amazing

GDKP is on topic - era has it and its trash. Don’t bring the trash here.

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Didn’t you say you only had like 4 hours a week to play in another thread today? You sure are on the forums a lot =p

Also seems like GDKP would be perfect for you, since the only barrier to entry is gold.

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yeah im literally burning all my hours playing these forums and loving every minute of it, 40 aint happenin

Why ya thinkin i like gdkp?

Just hop on your alts, like usual.


17 Warlock main I guess. Okay.

Bring them Back

Numbers are hard, I guess.


Blizz implemented the ban at least partially (if not predominantly) because they do not have enough HR resources to get rid of the gold sellers and etc. The ban on GKP makes their work much easier.

It is not so much about “what you want” or “what you need”, but more about what they need.

As long as the ban on GDKP does not have a very negative effect on SOD overall, or an overwhelming population is against it, the ban will likely stay.

If it has some negative effect on the SOD, Blizz as well as GDKP haters will justify it.

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Two types of players want GDKPs.

  1. Swipers who buy gold from illegal sites and then buy gear in GDKPs.
  2. Players who get their cut of gold from player type 1.

That’s it.


Dont forget about us AH playing gods, the amount of gold I have made from sellingitems at 5x the cost from a vendor less then a single screen from the AH lets not talk about that.

You got hit by gnomergan smash on the 17th and Feb 25th.

Mechanics like that?


Ha is this why you don’t post on your SOD chars? Yeah I got knocked off twice o no it has nothing to do with the bug where you get hit while still standing behind him

So many weirdos who can only see black or white on the internet.

The solution is simple; Blizzard just needs to ban botters and gold buyers. None of this 6 month nonsense, just perma them without questions asked. Ban bot accounts, burner accounts playing the middle man in exchanges, and ban purchasers. In a world where Blizzard would be willing to put up that kind of funding to protect the integrity of their game, GDKPs are absolutely harmless.

That world will never exist though. Blizzard even went as far as selling their own gold and pretended it was to combat RMT. Absolute clown logic.

Let’s be real. Blizzard doesn’t care about botting, gold buyers, or the integrity of their game. If it actually mattered to them, the WoW token wouldn’t exist and people who publicly purchase gold wouldn’t receive slaps on their wrists. Taking away GDKPs and pretending it’s “for the greater good” was always a complete joke of an excuse.

People are going to RMT anyway. GDKPs are happening still, as we speak. They’re just not done publicly and there are a lot less of them. The bots aren’t going away, people still love to P2W, and the economy has yet to deflate.

Let’s stop pretending removing GDKPs was a W.


i ran it in (real)wrath, it is cringe. i enjoyed it while i was a scummier player though, outbidding people as a carry and flipping stuff.

im assuming those things are still common practice. the kind of people you attract to gdkps are just the type of people i dont associate with as an adult.


You left out “highly successful and beneficial”.


In what way? Bots are still rampant and gold inflation is still high.

its successful in that it has many alt posters trying to gaslight the community regularly and bliz still wont budge.

you can tell its hurting the casual gold sellers cause they lost their best outlet to sell gold.

but if you guys are this passionate about gdkp without rmt involved i dunno what to tell you.

It’s made RMT much easier to detect, it’s helped pug raiding and it’s just generally a better experience not having swipers swiping.


If it made RMT easier to detect you would see a massive drop off in bots farming gold to sell. Which has not happened.

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