Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

believe the anti-gdkpers, not your lying eyes :expressionless:

Agreed, The bots and RMT are still there and probably worse than before. The GDKP ban seems kinda useless to me now. Please let people decide how THEY want to play the game.


The fact an item is BOP literally shows you shouldn’t be able to buy it… It’s that simple… Like i don’t care about bots or people buying gold as it doesn’t really effect me but people who just bought their gear and have no clue how to play there chars or do mechanics in raids does. It’s not happening so get over it already. Gdkp should be removed across the game so people actually have to play it


except one of the earliest changes they did to classic was give BOP items a 2 hour window to be tradable within the raid… :expressionless: kinda nullifies your whole argument.

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This situation doesn’t happen in any GDKP, You would get kicked or refused to be given a cut. IDK who told you this happens, but they don’t know what they’re talking about.

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Incorrect. Hundreds of sub 50g payouts for zg and full to the brim even at 4 am. It’s the best pug loot system coper. With gold buyers banned and bots banned it would be the only loot system outside top 1% guilds using LC.

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Where’d you get the 20% number from?

Bring back GDKPs

But with the Caveat that any player that receives illicit gold through a GDKP payout, eats the same ban as the person who bought the gold in the first place.

That ought to make the GDKP scene interesting.


So friends and games arent worth it unless you get paid for the luxury of having you around?



if you dont understand that’s because the gms got tired of moving items someone didn’t mean to roll on you’re an idiot… Like why is there a distinction between BOP and BOE than if BOP is meant to be sold??? you can’t be this dense man


Insulting people is inappropriate :expressionless:

Just go play era then - you’d love it. All that remains are GDKP. I log in to era and all i see is GDKP spam i can’t even get into any raids anymore because barely anyone runs anything other than gdkp.

Without cash or gear you’re screwed. I was told I should go farm righteous orbs for cash. Why on earth would i waste time farming RO’s for cash to get into BWL when I’m almost entirely geared out of AQ40. I need like 1 or 2 items from BWL and I can’t even get a group.

Its stupid. GDKP is stupid - its just a way to get rich quick thats all. In that sense its not stupid its genius - but lets call a spade a spade.


It’s only an insult if you think that was meant to happen…

There’s no point talking to these people lol
They’d rather see GDKPs as the main issue and not the root cause of the entire problem “Botting”

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for me gdkp creates an unnecessary barrier to endgame. I think the frustrating part is that blizzard makes these raids easy, enjoyable, and available for everyone. Players then add barriers. While gdkp does incentivize rmt’s which is also destructive - its a barrier that players are adding to the game that they shouldn’t be. And it kills casual raiding - which is what these raids are.

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That’s a bit like claiming “it’s not the cartel, it’s the growers that are the problem.”

Yes, the bots are a problem, and so are the GDKPs they feed.
(Instanced content with guaranteed loot that is only acquired for gold, is definitely a driver for RMT…and in so a driver for bots/farming.)




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Get a guild, it wasn’t hard when I did it twice. . .

Era has nothing to do with anything besides era. Please stay on topic.

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I love compromises where I win and they lose! :smiley: