Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

Please make a post that show you have even an average level of intelligence.

Elaborate on this or you’re just talking nonsense.

… ahh yes because shutting down the entire game would mean people arnt playing it. people can still play with no GDKP’s . your argument is massively flawed

This is important to understand. In the circles of pumper GDKPs RMT is not very common.

Thats the point, hes making a flawed argument so that maybe you can see the flaw in your own, similar argument.

When you want to shut down GDKPs without even discussing the low effort ways I mentioned to effectively regulate it, you are indeed thinking in black and white, don’t pretend you’re not.

Please don’t pretend this was an argument I started, as it was clearly a counter-argument to yours.

i seem to remember pumper GDKP’s happening on hardcore and a certain streamer got caught buying gold for them…press x to doubt

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Your argument of completely shutting down GDKPs which removes all GDKP related RMT. Do you have sudden amnesia?

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Cool story bro, doesnt change literally anything

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a counter argument is an argument…i cant believe i actually have to tell you this.

it literally happens and your incorrect.

You heard a story about an occurance and it disproves me saying it isnt common based on my actual experience?

Did I say it’s not? I said I didn’t start that one, you started it. Where are you even trying to go with this angle?

is anecdotal,

no i watched recorded video of multiple big streamers who overnight suddenly thousands of gold. 1 of them even had items removed from their inventory that they purchased.

do you understand the difference between your “experience” and factual video evidence?

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what flaw would that be?

When you guys are discussing the secondary reason that GDKP was banned, are you going to move on the the primary reason?

lol :clown_face::clown_face:

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You mean for the social structures? Yeah, so let me get this straight.

They banned GDKPs in SoD because of the social communities in SoD.

They’re not banning GDKPs in Cata because of the social communities in Cata, who were also playing SoD at the time.

That make much sense to you?

These are also the same devs that suddenly introduced Phase 3 and left guilds scrambling to put together a roster large enough for a 20man. The same devs that introduced incursions which were a gimmick that forced players to group up, instead of introducing quality group content that encouraged players to group up. In fact, these incursions killed the quality group content that was already in the game.

I understand social structure was a reason that they stated in the GDKP ban, but I won’t believe they actually care based on their actions.


Not only that, but GDKP communities are some of the largest social structures that wow has ever seen. Some of them rival the entire population of SoD in size (10s of thousands)

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Lmao baked take.

If they banned gdkps in other forms it would be extreme hypocrisy, as they let you rmt game time.

Also they would have to ban substantial amount of people for having rmt gold flow through their hands.

…but you already knew that.