Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

Blizz could probably just settle this with server types.
P2W servers and Non-P2W.

Or they can handle it the way they just did by flat banning seller accounts.

Astra just got rocked, clocks ticking lmao.

Your position was destroyed with logical arguments and you have nothing left to say, so trolling is the default resonse.

Of course the P2W server players will be looked down upon, worthy of zero prestige.

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Guess that means that Communism is the correct way of governance? Considering they have vast swaths of people living in it in comparison to democracies (hundreds of millions compared to billions).

I canā€™t even go out in my backyard without stepping in a pile of GDKP community.
Oh waitā€¦

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You two cant make a coherent statement so just gonna flag as trolling and move on

Keep up the fight Bergy!

The fight is mostly defeating trolls. The actual merits speak for themselves. The ban has failed, utterly.

You and your cohorts are the defeated ones who have failed Bergy.

You are persistent though, Iā€™ll concede that.
You must have had a lot at stake.


I would love to be able to raid on my alts again.

I have 15 level 50s, and i need GDKPS back in the game please blizzard

Thatā€™s crazy man i also have like 15 alts at 50 i would love to gdkp on.

ngl, not a bad idea

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They surely revert this ban before phase 4.

The only ā€œupdateā€ we got on the GDKP ban was that players werenā€™t complaining as much on the forums as they did when the ban first was implemented. Suggesting that they only listen to constant complaining, just once isnt enough. So, I must remind them every phase how cringe it is to tell players how to play. I dont expect the thousands that have quit to come back and update their forum posts. If they dont allow it in p4 Iā€™ll just quit sod for good and you wont hear from me anymore.

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Hopefully they bring them back before phase 4 raids begin.

Itā€™s their game.

Heard that one beforeā€¦

I think the player feedback is quite clear that we want gdkpā€™s back.

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Bring back gdkpā€™s or the servers gonna die Again in 3 weeks after launch.

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