Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

How about P4? No? Just gonna let this game die?

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Request denied.

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Bring GDKP back and more players will be back.

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Bring GDKP back and more players will be leaving.


We had a lot more players in P1 when GDPK is allowed. Let the players choose.

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They did choose, to ban GDKP.

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That was not a player made choice facepalm
Players chose to create and participate in GDKP

Now back to pretending you are a bot running circles in Incursions

Anyone else find it hilarious that these people pretend to have so much hate for GDKP (really their hate should be directed at botting and RMT) while behaving like bots themselves?

It was as much a player made choice as returning RDF to Classic.

For your records.

Youā€™re addressing like 5 people here. rofl

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Whats your point? Clearly some players wanted it banned, spammed the forums, got it banned, and here we are dealing with the fallout. The experiment failed and they need to recognize it and allow the players to play the way they want. Meanwhile they can do their job and police bots and RMT like they should have to begin with.

Whatā€™s my point?
Point was to prove you wrong, which I did.

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Itā€™s pointless, that very quote gets used by them when itā€™s convenient yet dismissed when pointed out in a context not fitting to their narrative. Iā€™m honestly glad there are at least some people against GDKP who Iā€™ve had conversations with and seem to have some original thoughts. This guy is not one of them.

Edit: see above, he seeā€™s a similar image and thinks we are the same person.

  1. thats not me
  2. prove what wrong? This was the devs forcing a choice down our throats and not allowing players to choose.

Ok, for the record, donā€™t try to push every thread that has GDKP in it. That doesnā€™t do anything and just will end in a forum vacation. I highly doubt the recent drop-off is tied by a big margin to the GDKP ban.

Secondly, the Drop-off of players is clearly tied to several reasons (without official data). During Season 2 of SoD we had the release of Remix, Cata and the Beta for War Within. This might shift the interests of several players.

Sunken Temple also introduced a fairly hard difficult the first few days which might scared off some players along the change to 20 Man Raids. For myself, the 20-Man Commitment dropped my own interest in SoD a lot.

So it is fair to say some may leave due to the GDKP Ban and thatā€™s okay - the fact is the game is better since the ban in an economy perspective (as prices for items stabilized after the Ban).


Sorry Bergy, thought you were that other guy, the one with his foot in his mouth.

How did you reach this conclusion when prices during Phase 1 never had much time to stabilize to begin with? What items are you talking about and what prices are you comparing them to?

Just by watching prices for all sorts of materials - any crafting material, f.e. once the ban was announced for P2 the prices of leather on my server went down from unreasonable pricing to reasonable ones f.e. - As I spent a lot of time in the AH, it was easily noticeable.

Light Leather Stack (20)
Before Ban: 7g.
After Ban Announcement (5 days after it ) : 5g
Release of P2: 2- 3g (which matches the metric of other versions of the game (TBC Classic, Wrath Classic, Cata Classic had the same pricing from my observation)

Ofc. this might not be a universal case and highly depend how many bots and GDKP happens on that server.

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During P1, the items with the most problematic prices were blue BoEs (Trollā€™s Bane Leggings, Mantle of Thieves, etc) and the prices for those never really had the time to stabilize at the time. The prices did drop from P1 to P2, but that was because the higher level cap (25 to 40) made them obsolete, not because of the GDKP ban.

As far as leather goes, it seems to make sense for Light Leather prices to drop since we moved onto higher level leathers.

Iā€™m genuinely curious about the GDKP banā€™s impact the economy but I really donā€™t see a significant change anywhere.

End Game Level Items are expected to reach a high pricing, esp. those you mentioned hadnā€™t a real high drop chance, so pricing is always high. They were also really hard to replace during that phase, so anyone shouldnā€™t worry about those prices being 100-200g. If we had a strict line to begin with, they might never surpass the 100g line.

Those arenā€™t the problematic sources of a gold flooded economy. If you canā€™t afford simple crafting, consumables, it gets problematic (looking at shadow resi potion being around 10g a piece).

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I agree, but itā€™s the high ticket items that receive the most complaints. I havenā€™t really seen complaints about the prices of mats and consumables.

You at least make for mild entertainment. Thanks

Since I know you are too slow to catch on. Iā€™m pointing out that it looks like you have the foot in mouth issue. Good luck with that.