Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

If the ban is in place the test, to them, is working the way they want. Bam picked apart.

Logical statements that have been made to you before and dismissed.

Dear Tiyoo,

We dont want RMT cheating in SoD. Thanks and goodbye.

And all this is just impossible without GDKP right? Right?

LMAO :rofl:



No point.

GDKPs are forever gone from SoD.

The world is not just black and white, there’s not right and wrong, and there’s no possible nor impossible.

I’m talking about the trend, a lower chance to have that 2 PUG runs without the GDKP

Go check the population trend since GDKP ban

Check the population of this game. It is dying. Bring gdkps back pls.

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you sound like a movie villain lol

He’s monologueing.

Time to kill him, rescue the girl, destroy the lair, and vzcation on a tropical island.


I’m imagining Dobobo as a Patrick Bateman character.


You right.
(not the people who make the rules)

Go do a GDKP right now.
Tell me how that goes.

Glinda has always been kinda “Dr. Girlfriend” for me.


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I like your idea it’s just the currency trade part - but I see why it’s there, to incentivize geared players?

Maybe there could just be an emblem vendor where you could buy raid consumables, or pvp consumables, for me its anything but gold.

MMO’s suffer this problem, they all do, they all know it, they have a really hard time preventing dilution because currency keeps getting printed but its never taken away, which in turn increases the cost of living for everyone (items go up in price). Repair costs can only go so far but this is really the only consistent money removal mechanic all mmo’s have.

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I mean…
How often do you get super geared people to carry others through raids with GDKP? Almost all of them.
How often do you get super geared people to carry others through raid without GDKP? Haven’t seen one yet.

I’m still not on the gdkp boat but it did give a reason to delete “checking parses” from their LFM macro…

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Yeah, they replaced it with “checking wallets” for their paypigs.

Carrys still needed high parses.

gdkp is just there for people to swipe credit cards for gear instead of earning it. next u will complain about mop remix because no ah and even less pay to win

To be honest, I never meant to post here as much as I have. If I had known how toxic these forums are, I may never have posted to begin with.

I’ve advocated for GDKPs, but now I realize that what I’ve really meant to advocate for was legitimate GDKPs. I’ve enjoyed GDKPs from many years ago, long before RMT became as big as an issue as it is today, and even before most of the current devs here ever worked for Blizzard.

I’ve certainly enjoyed running GDKPs with my own group of friends/guild, which we ran legitimately. At the same time, I frown upon the predatory GDKPs who go out of their way to look for “whales” or the GDKPs who have a budget requirement, which entirely exploits what GDKPs were meant to be and ruined it for players such as myself. I am certainly against every illegitimate GDKP, but I will forever remain in favor of the legitimate GDKPs.

I’ve continued this discussion with many of you while trying to be as reasonable as I can. I believe that those who have taken this discussion seriously have all cared about this game in our own way, and so I appreciate those who have put effort into their posts, especially those who are able to see beyond their own personal preferences. I can say that I fear the very same aspects of GDKP that many of you fear as well and what predatory GDKPers take from the community.

When it comes down to it, I’ll always view this GDKP ban as a low-effort shortcut measure to deal with RMT, especially when there are many more effective ways out there that can cause less harm. In the end, we all want the same thing… to get rid of the RMTers and bots. But this GDKP ban? This isn’t the way. This isn’t the kind of policy that we want to move forward with. We need a better solution.


I am certainly against every illegitimate GDKP, but I will forever remain in favor of the legitimate GDKPs.

When they got outbid in GDKP, they shout out “there’s an illegitimate player got gold from RMT”

But as far as I know, there are people would like to level up 5 holy pals / resto shaman in Wotlk to earn their shares and spend it on their main char fury worrier. And because of them, there are 5 more raids going smoothly.

Hi brave Mario

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