Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

This is factually wrong. GDKPs offer a much higher incentive to buy gold because the bids can get insanely large.

You are calling me ignorant, but you realize that 1 person buying an item off the AH is far different than 10-25 people buying gold so they can buy items out of a raid. You are purposefully arguing in bad faith and ignoring facts that the company themselves have spoken on. While both instances may lead to RMT, the GDKP is more than normally the culprit. Which again, there are tools in place to help lower the instances of AH abuse.

Please reread the bold until it sinks in.

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Have you ever progressed or parsed high?

I assure you far more gold is spent in raid preparations compared to raid loot. Only maybe once the game is in a late stage would this potentially flip.

You can look back at my post history where I have provided several instances of 90-99 parses.

Parses have nothing to do with GDKP. Nice deflection though.

Gold does.

Absolutely not lol you can get gold just fine outside of GDKPs. I have played this game for nearly 20 years and I can count the amount of GDKPs I have ever been involved in on 1 hand. Keep lying through your teeth and deflecting.

As long as you play this game, consumables will be an expense. Even after you acquire BiS.

Do you understand how time works and what that means in this context?

If you’ve been apart of a high progression or parsing guild, you would fully understand this. Even run-of-the-mill guilds will still have a few members dropping considerable amounts of their gold just to prepare for raids.

We’re done here. You are now trying to justify GDKP with how much time you have to play the game. I don’t care how much time someone else has. I play 1 day a week that isn’t raiding typically and a few hours here and there if I can and manage just fine.

You should quit the game if you can’t allot the time you need to do what you want. If you want to swipe your card for consumables, there are other MMOs, RPGs, etc. that support this mentality. Might I suggest Diablo Immortal? You can swipe so much that you literally can’t be challenged. Might be more your speed.

I’ve acquired all my loot outside of GDKPs. Continue the ignorance.

The current repressive experimental test sure does align with your repressive position.

There are far less damaging ways to deal with RMT, such as the 30 day restriction.

Oh brother, you are repressed now? It’s a game dude. You can easily walk away from it since it doesn’t align with your desired way to play. Nobody is forcing you to continue your subscription.

There is no damage caused by removing a loot system that largely benefits from RMT. Gnomer worked just fine without GDKP. ST and all other raids in SoD will too.

Again with the hyperbole. I hope GDKPs stay banned. Good riddance.

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You aren’t being repressed. You just aren’t happy with being told “No” by Blizzard.

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I’m not at all surprised you guys are jumping at the word. This is why even the devs feared an uproar from the community with this test.

GDKP Ban - Long Term

How will this GDKP Ban affect new customers? Is this going to encourage new subscriptions? or will this deter new players from subscribing?

Has anyone ever wondered how new customers would feel about this GDKP Ban once they learn the truth about why it’s here? What will happen when they realize that this GDKP Ban is the result of Blizzard’s lack of control in managing RMT and Bots? More importantly, how will new players feel about being policed on how they distribute their gear from dungeons and raids?

For now, Blizzard can still hide behind the fact that this GDKP ban is just an experiment, but what happens when this is made into an official policy and Blizzard’s official stance is that it’s acceptable for them to police something as important as player choice in loot distribution? Blizzard’s message here is very clear: “You can’t distribute the loot you earned however you want, or we’ll ban you.”

There will be news articles written about this and for the most part they will have 2 options:

  1. Praise Blizzard’s efforts on combatting RMT (since RMT and Bots will always remain a significant issue in WoW, good luck with this option)
  2. Criticize Blizzard for policing how players distribute their loot in dungeons and raids because the game is plagued with RMT and Bots.

When the truth is out there, why would new customers ever subscribe to a game with this much internal damage? Try and explain to these new customers why they’re not allowed to spend gold on gear in dungeons and raids. Why would they want to play a game with limited freedom and choice?

Blizzard has claimed many positive changes with this GDKP ban, but are we really going to believe that this ban will reduce RMT without any consideration for further consequences? How will we view the game years from now after this ban sets a precedent for Blizzard to tell us how we can or can’t play in other aspects of the game as well?

Do we really want to apply an external set of rules to restrict player choice that was available within the game’s very own design, instead of altering the game’s design itself to promote our goals? There has never been a precedent of this kind, and for very good reason, especially one concerning one of the game’s most important core aspects.

“World of Warcraft - an MMO where they police how you distribute loot in dungeons and raids because the game is infested with RMT and Bots.”

I would like better for the game, but if the Devs want to continue down this path and make this Blizzard’s official policy, then we’re all likely witnessing the beginning of a community collapse without the influx of new players.

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No. New players have no gold, or gear.
No gold to get the things they want.
No gear to be able to just sit there and get paid.
So this isn’t an option.

You wasted a lot of text.

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We were all new players at some point in time :slight_smile:

Hey Devs, any word on the results of this experimental test or how much longer it’ll go on for?

You’ve restricted your paying customers from participating in a fair loot distribution system. Can you let us know what it’s accomplished?

…no… /max char

I hope they come back.

Many people do. -Especially for the final phase(s). Unfortunately I don’t think very many people will be around for late game, and this version will be over before we know it.

Here’s one for you specifically :slight_smile:

I hope something that you enjoy personally is taken away for reasons that you see unfit.

Maybe you should look at a career in law enforcement to take up other self righteous matters for the rest of us :wink:

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New players are already deterred by the 30 day restriction, no mail, no ah, no trading.
That alone would 100% keep me from trying this game and many of potential new players.
Every decision made so far in SoD has been a bad one lmao.

I know some players and guilds quit SOD because of the GDKP ban.

It’s time to bring the GDKP back in Phase 3. Or there’s not enough players left for a 40-man raid if you are designing one.