Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

That’s always been a thing in every version of WoW.

The price of ordinary consumables is a way better thing to go off of if you want to judge how inflated the economy is.

Bots keep those prices down so not really.

Bots are doing herbs/ore so the things they craft stay cheap.

That is true. But crazy inflation will also drive them up way past what bots can farm.

Oh hey you’re still here lurking!
Report me then. Im not botting, Im not swiping.

Hey you gonna share that g2g account or what?



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When you see a gdkp player they are cheating but when you see someone say they farmed something i could just say hey cheated.

Youre easy to call people out for “cheating” with no evidence, its literally what your side does.

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Are you on Crusader Strike?
Because that is the server that got hit the most with the P1 shenanigans.
My only answer to that is there is just so much gold in circulation now that you’re seeing the economy settle at a still unreasonable state, and that sucks.
But its also exactly why gdkps are unhealthy for the game and a prime example of why its great they’re gone.

Imflation is a meme.

Like look at my server on Benediction in wotlk, it has 40k GDKP payouts, yet consumes are 6-8g/ea.

Wheres the inflation?

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In retail?

Wotlk classic.

Again, just quote me.

I clearly just started out with Torshock here claiming he’s cheating.
Instead of blatantly lying how about coming up with where all that gold Hunks was making in those gdkps was going?
Keep working on that.
How much were you making in a run roughly in USD?

Implying i bought gold for the mount.

Accusing me of selling gold.

I did.

its all your side does.

Everyone is a cheater if they dont share your opinion.

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nice, keep moving the goal posts

from your personal experience, do people with brain damage know that they have brain damage?

Getting rid of GDKP has been the biggest win for WoW since, probably since Classic itself was announced.

Stuff just isn’t in the spirit of the game, and I’m glad Blizzard agrees.

If you want it, go play somewhere that already has it.

Stop trying to taint SoD with it, glad to be saying it won’t happen. At least while I’m playing.

Dead horse, let it decompose already.


Now this i agree with.

No, My friend. This was a breakdown of your reasoning for wanting gdkps not adding up.

Gold buyers buy enormous amount of gold to go to gdkps to buy gear. That gold doesn’t dissapear when they spend it. It stays in the player held trade.
In which you then said

You spoke as if you had first hand experience as someone who is a gold buyer, not a gold farmer.

That’s what lead me to treating you the way I am.
I think you’re 100% in the RMT community.
All you’re doing is lashing out denying that.
But that logic doesn’t add up

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Stop bumping this garbage, Blizzard just ban this topic.


But you don’t agree with what else he had to say?

You’re right. I’m done :slight_smile: Have a great night everyone.

Thank you i will try.

I hope you have a terrible night.