Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

Ohhhh Hunks.
Yeah you were apart of the massive Alliance xfer that ruined benediction and made it an unplayable mess and which lead it to be the PVE server that it now is, which then sparked faerlina becoming the same thing for horde.

I’m fairly sure I saw your alls ads for gdkps before wrath now that I think of it.
So were you all running a g2g account or just selling it straight through paypal or what?
Deets. Let us know.


RMT hasn’t lowered at all though, the economy is just as gone as it was in P1.

But cool, less GDKPs.

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I don’t understand how the ban is a win at all.

Those that hate GDKP do not participate. Banning a game mode cannot force the GDKP enjoyers to play with them. There can be increased in other loot mods, but a large portion of players simply dropped the game.

I will not go back to MS roll nor guild raids. Too much loot drama in 2019 classic.

I stopped my char at level 30. The whole GDKP community is destroyed.


Except…it didn’t exactly deflate gold either.


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Ahh yes my thousands of low pay out runs don’t exist. :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Tell me you’re a tourist without telling me you’re a tourist.

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Idk anything about that.

Sorry you arent very good.

Pugs cease to exist because the only thing people will pug are for GDKPS.
Guild runs cease to exist when people initially get the gear.
The only people not in that stream of gold revenue are the people not participating.
Without Pugs and Guild runs Gdkps are the only option. They become THE option.
If you still choose not to participate not only are you losing out on that outright, you’re looking at the task of forming your own run in a community where everyone will feel that need to join the GDKP to make that gold they need with everything costing more because these people have gold they shouldn’t.
Summons are 1g now on my server, which is really weird because we’re lvl 40 and we have easier methods of making gold in the open world with grays and what not selling for more. Yet at lvl 25 they were anywhere from 2-3g.
Swiftthistle, Mana pots, Faps have all stayed stagnant. They didnt rise, when in the reality of the game the playerbase being such a higher level should have access to more gold. Yet they didnt. Weird correlation.



All you nay sayers can go check the sites and see that banning GDKP hasn’t affected RMT in the slightest

Gold is cheap as dirt. Botters are still botting and inflation is still inflating because people are still buying.

Banning GDKP was treating a symptom, not the cause

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I think you do. :slight_smile:

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Gold being cheap doesnt equate to this ban not being helpful.
If anything it proves the opposite.
If demand changes for something a surplus arises and the price drops.
That’s just supply and demand my friend.
You can learn this is a intro to economics class.


Mats are cheap due to bots, its simply supply and demand.

Then just accept that GDKP is the best loot system.

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Well, yeah. What did you want them to just start playing to start manually farm that gold of which’s price is dropping all of a sudden?
Why would they do that?

I’d like to know whats inflating.
Alot of mats are about the same as they were in P1. We have access to more gold now being lvl 40. Why’re they the same price?

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Conform or die.
OR, how about this. Wild idea.
Remove Gdkps all together so this gameplay/economic connundrum doesnt happen in the first place?
Oh, they did? Thats great!

Mats are the same price as they were because they WERE inflated.
Now they are not.

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Mats stay low because of the botting.

You can see inflation when you visit the AH on an alt for some overdue upgrades. Anything worthwhile that isn’t a profession item which gets crafted into oblivion for skill points is 4-6x vendor price because people know that Sammy the swiper will gladly pay a measily 5-20g every few levels to keep his alt warrior twinked out.

There’s “relevant” blues that aren’t even bis going for 200g+, epics even more. That’s the inflation

You have absolutely no way of knowing that.

Overpriced blues/epics still getting bought every day says otherwise

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Yeah, see. This is actually happening LESS with gdkps being gone.
Lets say youre a good boy Torshock.
You’re honestly one of the people who just love GDKPs and you never swipe.
Well, now without them you’re going to have less gold in your pocket than you would beforehand. That’s bad when you think about it at first.
However, This also means everyone else is also in your shoes too. If they aren’t swiping. This isn’t happening. Which makes it happen a lot less. Which helps the economy stay at a much more reasonable state than it otherwise would be in.

What you’re looking for is more measures to be made to crack down on the people still buying gold, and I’m with you there.
Removing gdkps were a good step but we need more!
Right on brother.

Are you talking about BIS items?
Because if you’re talking about like underworld bands or umbrals or things like that in which are considered BIS, theyre going to still go for a lot of gold. Of course they are.
I paid 200g for an underworld. That was ~300 deviate delights i fished and cooked give or take along with the mageweave in boxes and the couple blues i got along the way.
That’s not an absurd concept when we’re talking about bis. If you want bis, you will still have to pay top dollar for bis and plan accordingly on how you’re going to get it.

Nice fish botting.

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level 20 main stat/stam greens being 4-5g on my server before they even announced P3 says otherwise, I’m sure they’ve gone slightly higher by now to capitalize on last second re-rollers