No GDKp has been amazing this phase. People have been running earlier raids….
For fun!
“No Wai !” You might say, but it is the truth.
The sheer number of LRM BFD or Gnomer MS/OS no reserves displayed each day with people gearing up and learning basic raids has been great and there has been no gatekeeping by gdkp or parsers for the most part.
I still see people selling powerleveling carries in ULD and Cathedral but that’s another topic.
Gdkps are gone.
They havent done anything to SOD.
You can relax, let it go, gdkps are gone.
Your obsession with them is bordering unhealthy.
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that’s exactly what it is…
inflation not an issue for you? you must be a biden supporter
The problem is, when threads like this pop up. If the pro-GDKPers are going to beg for it back, then they are going to get the equal (and rightfully more) opposition to keep SoD free of all GDKPs.
Because I believe players have the RIGHT to use the loot method that they want to use. Even if I myself do not use that loot method. Is that so hard to understand?
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They are allowed to use loot methods that are approved by Blizzard. Due to the amount of RMT and gold buying, Blizzard stepped in to remove the biggest offender for these things happening. Is that so hard to understand?
You realize that if they did that with anyone who has bought/sold anything on the auction house, paid for a summon, or paid for enchanting or other prof services that you would all also be banned?
You would 100% be banned.
GDKP’s were bad for the community as a whole. Nothing you can say will change that fact. Get better dice if you want the loot.
If a group of people agree to a loot method, it should not be banned by blizzard.
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KEK. This thread will keep popping up.,
As stated earlier, the AH is monitored. That is why it takes an hour to get your gold. Blizzard implemented this waaaaay back in the vanilla wow days.
Cutting out the biggest offender for RMT/Gold buying was the goal. Will people still do it? We know they will as they did it before GDKP was popular, but it’s significantly less impactful when the only way you can get an item in a pug is spending hundreds or thousands of gold. It then leads to new players or people with less time to also seek out these “advantages” so that they too can get the gear they want.
It isn’t anywhere comparable to a few gold on an enchant or summon. I do think that Blizzard should look at selling summons next. They banned boosting on era and it’s starting to make a comeback.
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Blizzard is the deciding factor, not the players. They listened to feedback thankfully. If you don’t like it, you can end your subscription and play something else. Vote with your wallet.
Okay… If you sell things on the AH or exchange gold with players your account would be banned the same as GDKP’ers on grounds of “receiving illicit gold.”
That was my only point.
And im 100% correct.
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When the AH is used to funnel illicit gold, which it is, those people are investigated and banned as they should be.
It’s impractical to go after every tiny amount of illicit gold exchange there is. In a perfect world, sure. I also don’t believe the majority of people selling enchants are botting to get more money. They for sure could be, but again, we’re talking some silver or a few gold at best. It’s far different from hundreds or thousands of gold being laundered through GDKPs.
So no, I don’t believe you are “100%” correct on this. You’re trying to go to an extreme that nobody is asking for (outside of people requesting that summoning spam be dealt with properly).
Okay bro.
My highest cut from 10 man BFD in phase 1 was 15 gold. I have received as low as 6 gold also.
I dont know where you’re getting “thousands” of gold from. Nothing in Gnomer with the new concentrated loot tables is going to go for any kind of insane amount of gold.
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And as more and more people get more and more illicit gold, you don’t think those bids will eventually increase? Go play WOTLK Classic for a bit and do a GDKP, even in the final months items are still going for 30k+.
It’s to prevent the kind of spiral that RMT creates.
Well what has happened is the gdkp community got together and agreed that selling gear for rmt was an acceptable loot system. Blizzard and everyone with common sense said rmt is bad for the game. As for players right to cheat and break the tos…no.
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There is also a WoW token on WoTLK Classic. So I would appreciate if you would stop trying to make it seem like its a good comparison to include a separate version of the game where RMT is essentially legal.
Keep parroting, It didn’t fix the botting or RMT. The anti-crowd are just control freaks.
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