Reputation Paragon Boxes Not Awarded

Add me to the list with multiple paragon boxes lost in both WWI and Shadowlands

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Given how much currency some people are losing out on from current-expansion reps who may be trying to catch up on buying recipes or mog from vendors? Or mounts/pets/etc. from older reps? I personally think they need to put in the work and retroactively give us the boxes we’ve missed out on.

I’ve lost I think four Vizier boxes and one each for General and Weaver, which also works out to two Severed Threads boxes. I ended up taking a break early into S1 due to real life and am still trying to get caught up on Professions and vendor mog. I know getting all the bag recipes for Tailoring is obscene, especially since I’m trying to save up my Resonance Crystals for all the mog sets in Dornogal since the Earth-Encrusted Gems are once-per-account and the sets cost almost 10k apiece afterwards.


Just had Army of Light Paragon roll over from 10K to 0, no checkmark for box, army of light qm has nothing for me

adding to the list of ppl having this issue. Seems to be abundant


I’m at six now, this is really bad.


Still bugged! lost out on another

Does Blizz even care?


massive amounts of Gold has been lost at this point


I wasn’t even factoring gold lost. I dunno what older Paragon boxes give TBH, aside from what might be gotten selling pets and such that you can get from some of them.


There are chances at mounts and pets, and some of the Paragon boxes take a long time to earn. I’m not happy I’m missing Shadowlands Paragon boxes.


To add to all this myself and many other lost reputation during 11.0 pre-patch that has never been recovered. To grind back the rep using only WQ will take many week’s as all the one off quests are completed.

To not even address either of these issues but rather ‘we’re looking into it’ is an insult to the player base.

Numerous bug requests sent to have reputation restored to factions where I have the exalted achievement has gone unanswered.

Blizz you need to pick up your act.


Also not getting paragon boxes after hitting rep thresholds.


same for me, no boxes


Reporting status with the rep archivist codex from shadowlands: NO PARAGON CACHE.


This is happening with all TWW reps still. The bar rolls over but the NPCs don’t trigger the quest for the box reward.

This had better be fixed by the time people are getting paragon boxes for the 4 different goblin cartels, each one of them has a different mount from the paragon box.


Most of the Legion paragon chests give about 200-300gold, a curious coin, sometimes champion equipment. Argus paragon boxes often have veiled argunite which can be used to get relinquished gear (fills in quite a few Legion tmogs from dungeon sets to world quest sets to pvp sets and even lookalikea from raid sets) but the main thing they have is a chance at a unique and rare mount

Court of Farondis, Dreamweavers, Valarjar, Highmountain, & Nightfallen paragon caches all have the possibility of giving a unique mount to that faction.

I’ve been grinding paragon rep for the Court of Farondis and Valarjar mounts for months now - a cloudwing hippogryph and a valarjar stormwing, both gorgeous imo.
Dreamweavers has the white/gold unicorn, Highmountain has a special moose, Nightfallen is a type of flying magic carpet

(edited because I was informed some info I gave was incorrect :slight_smile: )

Just FYI, The Wardens’ paragon cache doesn’t give you a mount, instead, it’s a toy called Sira’s Extra Cloak.


unsure why I had it in my head that it was a mount and not a toy :slight_smile: I’ll go edit my comment rn. Thanks!

This is still happening with Ankoan Waveray reputation.
Between this and the 11.0 reputation reset, it feels like the game is conspiring to make it as hard as it can for me to get the Royal Snapdragon mount.


Still broken, going on week three, have missed out on Seven boxes now.


the fix for this is probably really extreme if they havent resolved this yet… and reading some of the comments i’d say we’re probably just wasting our time being hopefully the fix will be retro-active. Some of y’all keep losing paragon crates why would you keep going?

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