Reputation Paragon Boxes Not Awarded

I remembered they all gave unique mounts and such. I had enough Timewarped Badges stockpiled over the years that when Legion TWing got introduced I was able to get almost all of them immediately just from buying badges from the vendors. I mostly meant like gold and stuff you could throw on the AH. Wasn’t sure if they were worth keeping up on a bunch of alts with for easy income that way anymore.


Ok, this is weird…
i just tested with 2 paragon chest: army of legionfall and argussian reach.
armies triggered, argussian didnt.

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I’m having this same issue.
I’ve rolled over 2 reps this week - no paragon cache obtained.

Severed Threads isnt getting rep when you get a box/quest from any of the 3 mini-reps either.

I’ve been getting the most of the War Within ones just fine when they roll over. Only ones I haven’t been getting the quests to pop up for are the sub-reps of Severed Threads, which then screws me out of the actual Renown for Severed Threads. But I also don’t farm the older reps regularly. Although I should to get the goodies from BFA and Shadowlands that I still need…

But after this week’s reset I’ll be owed at least five Vizier boxes, two each of General and Weaver, and two Paragon boxes from Severed Threads, give or take? They really need to make the fix retroactive.


Paragon boxes from Shadowlands are still broken as of 3/11/25 after reset. Mine just reset to zero when it should have become a Paragon box.


this just happened to me too. assembly of the deeps reset without any rewards

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Posted here two weeks ago. Sent in bug reports and in-game tickets. Still not getting paragon chests. Feels good.


Just had another two 10K paragon rep roll over with no reward. This time Argussian Reach & Army of Light one after the other.

I’ll keep posting in here every time it happens in case it helps pinpoint the issue and/or gets it fixed faster


Considering how hard/long some of these are to farm (BFA ones stand out), I’m hesitant to play old content that I want to paragon as it could mean WEEKS of wasted time, for 1 box under certain reps.

Upsetting to see this hasn’t been fixed since patch.
Pretty sure we’ve lost enough in the last 6+months (rep resets/gbank wipes) - let’s put more focus on not losing… anything more. Including expected rewards, no matter their source.


I’m a bit surprised this isn’t blowing up more since in a lot of cases its a decent amount of resources and rewards lost. Coffer keys, gold and a bit more from current, mounts and transmog from previous expansions.


Still an issue for me. I should have gotten 3 more caches today from TWW reps, but nothing. I’m not sure, but I believe I got shorted on a Dragonflight one too. Grrr.


Having the same issue, no paragon boxes on any TWW reps since 11.1

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Same, this also prevents the Severed Threads from gaining paragon rep since the sub-factions never register their paragon levels.

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cross your fingers the maintenance going on right now is addressing this issue

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Just had this happen upon completion of the weekly dungeon quest. This is the third time happening, different factions each time. In fact, the numbers I am seeing in the Reputation pane bear no similarity to what I see in the expansion mini-map expansion button or when talking to faction quartermasters. Yet one more problem with the reputation systems of TWW… why am I surprised?

Can confirm

The Enlightened reached 10,000 last week. No box/quest