Here’s the GM response I received:
"This is Game Master XXX, and I must inform you that since Season 1 has come to its end, several sources of Crests from Season 1 have been adjusted, as the materials and currencies from Season 1 for the Upgrade Gear System have been modified, being that case for the “Radiant Echo” Item contained in the “Overflowing Hallowfall Trove”
This is an intended behavior, and It’s important to mention that this changes has been made for all 4 Reputation Renown Rewards from Isle of Dorn, Az-Kahet, The Ringing Deeps and Hallowfall. New Crests for Season 2 can be obtained from Undermine Cartel Reputations and the new Raid Renown Track. As part of the Renown Reputations Reset, certain Renown thresholds now grant ‘Restored Coffer Keys’ when visiting their respective Quartermaster upon reaching these levels:
Council of Dornogal - Renown 17
Assembly of the Deeps - Renown 13
Hallowfall Arathi - Renown 14
Severed Threads - Renown 13
I sincerely hope that this experience has been informative, if not helpful. If you need help with anything else, remember that you can contact us at anytime"
Yeah, not helpful.
Huh, what kind of response even is that lmao
same just hit paragon today with dorn hallowfall and deeps and all three just rolled over come to think of it so did weaver
If I had to guess, I think what that Game Master was trying to say is that since we’re in that limbo between the end of one season and the start of another, and that the paragon bag contained Radiant Echo… that it resulted in the disabling of it entirely? 
It still doesn’t explain the problem’s affecting of legacy reputation factions, though.
Just stopping by to contribute that I, too, filled a rep bar with The Enlightened in Shadowlands and did not get a paragon box.
I was casually doing some dailies on my Warlock when i noticed that the paragon for the Assembly of the Deeps was completed in my reputation tab. Sure enough, the NPC had the quest, and i was able to claim the reward. So maybe Blizzard just released a hotfix? If anyone else can confirm, please let us know!
@edit: So guys, I went looking for an alt that had a paragon close to completion and found one that was only 50 reputation away with the Rajani. I filled up the bar and was actually able to claim the reward. So indeed they just released a hotfix. I can also confirm that the hotfix was not retroactive, as I didn’t receive the paragon reward I missed on Tuesday from Ve’nari.
@edit 2: Nvm… After all that, i went to complete the Nazjatar paragon that i was about to finish on one of my alts, and i did not receive the reward—it’s still bugged. So apparently, the hotfix was only partially applied. I just got baited by Blizzard and lost another important paragon i was farming for one of the mounts that i still need. So it looks like they fixed only some of them, one of them being also from BFA which is super odd, because i was able to claim the Rajani one but not the Nazjatar one. Classic Blizzard spaghetti code.
I was able to claim the Iskaara Tuskarr Paragon Chest yesterday, but I didn’t get one from Hallowfall Arathi. Today I tested again - just like you, I need the mount from Nazjatar rep - it’s only 4000/10000, but my 7th Legion is 9500/10000. I did several WQs, and figured out that the chest was not offered by the vendor at the end.
Adding my voice to this issue. No box from Valajar rep today.
Adding my voice here… completed Paragon for Waveblade Ankoan which is 10k! and no chest. I have a feeling my Royal Snapdragon is there…
Gotta love having a reward worth a cache from one of the Threads factions (because each of the three award a cache at 2500) and it not working.
This could literally affect every TWW player.
Also can confirm I’m not getting Legion caches.
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they made a support article about it
#### Common Problems
* I maxed out my reputation bar with a faction and did cannot receive my paragon chest
* I didn't get any quest or chest for filling up my reputation.
* The vendor did not have any paragon chests or caches for me</em>
We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Customer Support does not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.
dang had a feeling this was going to be a big problem with no workaround. I doubt there is much urgency in resolving something that gives players rewards… time to unsub
yah since its so widespread, no wonder they wont give individuals the caches,lol
They may actually fix it though, since it affects every cache in the game
Okay I’m trying to be patient but no I’m mad why is it past content like this for collectors gets skiffed so bad. known bugs get ignored so they can push out these gaudy store mounts and half finished patches and they think saying oh we made an oopsy poopsy but were not going to offer anything in return. Its that stupid south park gag of were sorry. Its pathetic youre not going to make a restitution when i guarantee you most of us gave time zones and exact amounts but this is what a multi million game company says. STOP MAKING GARBAGE and start repairing.
These caches are the ONLY way to get some mounts and toys., so they probably should look into it.
And if they can’t or won’t fix them, add the drops that SHOULD be there to an appropriate vendor.
This isn’t hard.
They have acknowledge it!
Oh also there are Paragon mounts for the new Cartel factions.
Yeah this needs fixed.
" I maxed out my reputation bar with a faction and did cannot receive my paragon chest "
Good proofreading!
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well it worked before the patch i thnk
Damn, wish I had of known. Just completed paragon for the Court of Farondis, zero chest, zero ‘?’ on the map to pick one up. If I send a nice letter to customer support asking them just save everyone’s time if they could just forward me the Cloudwing Hippogryph do you think they would oblige ?