Reptile allied races please?

Nightborne joined the Horde because Night elves getting in their way and being disrespectful and not a fan of alliance’s imperialistic way of being. Blood elves being allied with the Horde made them 100x more likely to join.

Elven rich types tend to be their own thing and dont like people treading and telling them how to live, so naturally they’d join the horde, out of convenience, as did the blood elves. As fars they’re aware, the horde is a confederation and not imperialistic, win win for them.

They get to keep being themselves while having allies.

I didnt dismiss anything, and if you honestly believes this you just dont study the lore.

Nightbourne were showing relation to the blood elves early on due to having the same mana addiction, and were also rebuffed by tyranda almost constantly.

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That’s when they’ve just decided that Nightborne will be Horde to write that narrative, I don’t see any reason how Sethrak couldn’t be written the same

Yes you didn’t, the lore you think explains a lot really doesn’t

We as Alliance helped them just as much if not more than the Horde, they only made it so that Nightborne would be Horde because Alliance would’ve had 3 Elves as playable races

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  1. Sethrak wouldn’t be Alliance. They are currently allies of both the Zandalari, as seen when they were guests at Queen Talanji’s coronation and the Vulpera. And the Zandalari are the race in the Horde that at this moment in time hates the Alliance the most because of the invasion of their capital and death of their King.

  2. The Nightborne have next to nothing in common with the Night Elves. The Nightborne were Highborne elves the same as the High Elves were. They are closer to Blood Elves, both culturally and in disposition as well as shared history and through comradery born of their magic addictions. Just because the Nightborne look more like Night Elves doesn’t mean they should automatically join with the Night Elves.

Personally, I would rather we stopped with the whole allied race bullpucky and just introduce regular races again. And have all future races be neutral like the Pandaren and be done with the whole concept that a race can only be one or the other faction. That way if the Sethrak or the Saurak or the Ogres, Centaur or any new race they want to invent become playable they can be whatever faction you want them to be.


I would love this like… a lot.

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Both factions were helping the nightbourne but they were having more positive interactions with the blood elves you can see play out during the story segment, even asking the blood elf leader if it was worth it to join the horde and even sympathizing with the mana addiction.

Also when the siege was over the night elves left and the blood elves stayed, this is talked about.

So no, this isnt remotely related to the sethrak in the slightest and the lore doesnt support your claims.

Nightbourne were shared content with dialogue completely positive with the blood elves with mixed dialogue from the night elves.

Sethrak is purely horde content and the horde is what helps them liberate their god and their people, alliance does nothing meaningful for them and they werent shared content, just horde content.

Doesnt sound like a partnership that would even remotely lean alliance, they dont even share the same beliefs.

This horde leaning wasnt inserted with the concept of AR’s, it was there at the start with the developing story.


Drakonid and/or Dragonspawn for both.

Or just straight up playable dragons.

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WoW is very much lacking in the playable reptilian race department, and both Sethrak and Saurok would make great playable races! Them becoming playable would be really big news and would likely be received very well.

If anyone is interested, there are megathreads that share ideas, have discussions, and work to support getting both of them playable.

You can find the Sethrak megathread here:

And I run the Saurok megathread here:

Lets get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


ESO is thataway ---->>


Fixed it for you. :wink:

Saurok are meh / no culture & too savagely uncaring (They literally cannibalise eachother).

Sethrak are cool, it’d be nice having the Alliance get a Loa-revering race.

In all honesty, Drakonid are really cool; personally I’d like to see them be a neutral allied race ‘making their path’ in Azeroth and siding with a faction.

So they’re perfect for horde :+1:

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Yes dragons! With wings for flying mount!

I second this emotion :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


I third. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

:snake: :crocodile:


If by “off” you mean “awesome” then yes.

I wouldn’t worry about odd proportions/bodies considering you’re a goblin though. lol

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What about those lion bois/gurls from Draenor.
Horde got Maghar, why don’t alliance get catgurls?

Yea I’d play a lizardman


Explain the “more”. Both factions had identical quest lines except one faction was constantly talking :poop: while another was warm and welcoming. So explain why you think you did more.

The most bizarre thing is that Vulpera vs. Sethrak was already established and since the Alliance actively helped the Sethrak, you’d think they would garner some respect from the scaly nope-ropes and their apatite for the furry little rodents.