Reporting pet pvp

is this possible? The person is autofleeing 20 times in a row.

well more than that actually. I think they are mad because I wont win trade and he wont try another team. So I get no credit for the fight.

Isn’t win trading bannable?

Win Trading is definitely against policy, yes. I don’t know if we can do much about what you described, there isn’t a policy against fleeing combat.


Wouldn’t that fall under non-participation rules, though? It takes time to get into a PvP pet battle, after all…

The most relevant application of “nonparticipation” is character battleground PvP, in which the offender joins the BG group but does nothing.

This charge is not applied if the player drops group and “flees” the battlefield. So no, departing the PvP arena would not be actionable “nonparticipation”, in character or pet PvP.