Reporting people that offend you is toxic

I’ve never caught a ban at all in my years playing, maybe reexamine how you are communicating if this is a real fear for you


The weak willed person is the one emboldened by anonymity. The one that is an insufferable prick on the internet because they cant vent frustrations properly in real life.

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buddy you drop a single F-Bomb in BG’s and some emotional infant thinks you said it in their general direction… you’re getting banned for 10 days. No context… no REAL appeal process… just 1/3rd of a month paying for a service that you can’t use.

its not right. the people defending it with “Do BeTtEr”, “bE LeSs ToXiC”, “DoNt SaY mEaN tHiNgS” are being unrealistic about the actual situation here.

Don’t use foul language then as it is against the ToS. I’m not just dropping platitudes on you.
Getting upset that people are rightfully using the report feature because they’re being swore at or disrespected is silly. Treat people with respect and chances are you’ll be respected back. Dropping an F bomb is reportable and people who do report for language are entirely covered by the ToS in doing so.


what proof do you have? insider reports? hidden cameras?

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There is a context for using an fbomb? did you even look at the EULA you signed?

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Becaues it makes you grow up instead being a whiny baby in the forums.

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Is however the person wants to deal with the situation. You can’t stop them anyway.

Why are you dropping F bombs in public places? That’s immature and inconsiderate.

Agreed with the OP. This is why I pray we never go to war with russia, we would be demolished even with their out-dated weaponry.

You have a lot to learn about life if you think vulgar language is a sign of strength.

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It isn’t about cursing, it’s a mind set. Alpha vs beta. Beta’s lose wars.

Keep learning. Perhaps start by learning what alpha and beta is really about.


I already know what they are about. Beta’s report people, alphas are chads and don’t report people. It’s as simple as that.


Looks like a beta teaching it on the thumbnail. Probably propaganda.

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Alphas do whatever they want. Betas come to the forums to whine about it.

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No there’s a ton of betas here. Mainly the anti-lfd ones. They all have female avatars or are like level 8.

Yea. Everyone whining about people reporting.


That’s a pretty hot take there. I wonder if it’s correct.