Reported. Reported! Gah

well i do wish the video game world had thicker skin but i am not the boss of this world

You can though.

Hero class, the first hero class.

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Yep. Bunch of weak people OP. It’s a delusion that the loud few believe and hold as gospel. They grew up soft and cushy, getting everything they want and never being told they were idiots. Never being given the truth. This is the result.

I stand corrected. I am old, my brain cant find things where I put them.

Yes, and should you choose to say them, you should have the stones to accept that someone else might not appreciate it and may take action to stop it.

Your right of expression ends when it comes at the expense of another person.

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This is from 2015 how do you people keep doing this

It’s from June 15th.

Even then it’s months old

Oohhhh scary!

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I was going to say “Oh look another one of these threads” until I saw the thread was created in June. So, nevermind.


Your creativity is stifled if you can’t cuss in a game?

:rofl: :joy: :man_facepalming:

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This was a hot and bothered discussion in June (this year), not 2015. As you can see (and apparently don’t like) there is still more to say.

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I need to visit a Dairy Queen soon. A Reese’s Blizzard will make me love again.

wiggles toes

Great taking things out of context!

The OP used the term ‘MF’ and was talking about free speech in general.

Don’t need your sarcastic congrats or comments.


An illusion? What are you hiding?


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#1 Free speech is not a guarantee in a private business.
#2 Although many players live in the US this is not a US only game.
#3 Free speech is not always free of consequences.

Let me elaborate.

#1. If you scream fire in a crowded theater and there is no fire, you can be arrested, even if you don’t scream fire, if you are in a crowded theater and the movie starts and you start playing your radio or talking on the phone, or even talking to your best bud, you can be removed since its a private business with its own rules of conduct that as a customer you have to respect and adhere to. If you do not want to do so then you have the option of not using their business. WOW is the same you are using their systems to “chat” with others if you don’t adhere to their policies well they have the right to remove you.

#2. I think this was clear enough as it is, while many of us live in the US, not every player does so stating that “US gives freedom of speech” means little to nothing, that’s like saying in Australia you have big bugs that live with you in your house, its true but not everyone in the world will see that as normal. (Ok mr bug you can keep the house im out.)

#3. Consequences - too many people think they can do whatever they want say whatever they want and not have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Becoming and adult should have taught you that is not the case. It was fine when you were 5 and you broke something and apologized but as you get older you can’t do that anymore. You will have to pay for what you broke, how you acted, or didn’t act, life is like that and you grow more mature once you realize it. If you were living alone, completely, then sure you wouldn’t have to watch what you do or say but even then this could lead to some “dumb way to die” scenarios. So yes actions have consequences, and speaking and typing are actions.


Sadly this company has gone to the woke garbage side of things. It doesn’t end here and will only get worse as time goes on. Sadly.


LMAO “Stifle my creativity” Translation: I cant call someone the N word (most likely). And if you were running down the main street in your town screaming obscenities, yes you would probably get reported to the cops. Just how clueless are you about laws and things? AND ONCE AGAIN: Free speech only protects you from the GOVERNMENT. Not a private company running a game. Dude, go back to school and read a damned book on this subject. Seriously. I’m sick of seeing people crying about “MUH FREE SPEECH” when those people have NO idea how it works. Maybe also try reading some of the stuff you just ignore when you sign in? There are rules for playing the game. Lawyers LOVE people who don’t read contracts btw then violate them and cry about it later.

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