Reported. Reported! Gah

didn’t read lol

But how you reacting is exactly how denial works

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A corporate dictatorship that in no way shape or form reflects the country it’s supposed to be from and it’s FREE SPEECH LAWS(Yes, even the ones you don’t like, or as you wokist totalitarian lovers like to call it, ‘hate speech’), A FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT.

No corporate entity, or anything for that matter especially of this scale, should dictate human freedom of expression. If you don’t see what’s wrong with this, you’re objectively in the wrong here.

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Free speech means the government can’t restrict what you say. It has nothing to do with a private company limiting speech on their own private property where we are invited to play if we follow their TOS.

By the way, free speech is not unlimited in the case of the government either. As Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes is often paraphrased as saying, “You can’t yell fire in a crowed room”.

And you are subjectively generalising.

WoW has a particular rating which allows it to be supposedly safely played by children/young people. In order to do that Blizzard is obligated to provide a relatively ‘safe’ game environment. If there were zero rules about behaviour (including speech) the depths of disgusting behaviour that could result are rather mindblowing.

The rules are put in place to protect not only players but Blizzard’s game. In a way, its a bit like if I travelled to a country that operated under different laws to my own; if I wasn’t prepared to temporarily exist under their laws, then my option would be to not go there.

We aren’t talking a real world scenario here but even if we were, there are still laws that are enacted to protect a country’s citizens. I dont know how it works in the US, but here we have laws about promoting hate crimes, promoting radical violent behaviour, etc. That limits speech and few people here question it because its a good thing to do, in order to protect people’s rights to exist at all. Which is indeed a rather fundamental right.

One only has to spend some time in Second Life to see how true that really is.

lol goodness gracious

Reporting your report for reporting…

But I can report after the fact :slight_smile:

Oh, oh, let me show you my favorite forum suspension lol

Big obscene :laughing: after this suspension I just decided to say whatever I want to say :person_shrugging: If you’re going to punnish me for stupid :poop: expect some real :poop:

A quick google says

No, the First Amendment does not limit private employers. The Bill of Rights — and the First Amendment — limit only government actors, not private actors. This means that private employers can restrict employee speech in the workplace without running afoul of the First Amendment.

but idk.

Just don’t talk in chat broski, disable in game chat and talk in discord :+1:


Just make fun of yourself, who would get offended by that?

You have free speech just not on the WoW forums. Or in the game itself. Free speech doesn’t apply here you can get vacationed if someone doesn’t like what your saying here.

Clarification: before DK’s became the first EPIC class in the game, there were people who would stand in a fire, especially near some frequently trafficked NPC and laugh while everyone ran screaming from the aggravating noise. It is nothing new but it is still irritating.

that, that is just below the knees…

This one. Right there. As devastating as that Iron Star that got lobbed at that boat Blackhand and Yrel were on. :heart_eyes_cat:

laughs in Dead Person with No Need for a Functioning Liver I shall take shots for everyone!

Free speech doesn’t mean I can go to your home and swear at you as much I want and you can’t touch me because of what I said even if I am in your property. :rofl: . Blizzards house Blizzard rules mate.

Real world has real world consequences , this game does not have any such thing . To make comparism to getting slapped with silence to a police arrest means your really need to put this game down and actually go outside.

The filter does not mean you get a free pass or are an exception to the terms you agreed upon. The filter is also a form of censorship as your voice will not be heard by some no matter how much you yell . So this also makes you a hypocrite when you put free speech and filter in the same argument :rofl:

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speech is protected in the 1A, but it only mentioned the law not being used against those freedoms. This game, this forum, isnt just ruled by the law, but by private entities rules and policies.

On my forums that I own and run I DO allow freedom of speech in as far as my hosting company will allow.
they have their own private ToS that I must adhere to, so MY rules are ‘dont break the law’ while THEY add stuff that deals with bigotry, I guess you’d call it, they dont allow it on their servers.
I have to obey their rules because its their servers, or they eject me, just as Id eject someone who fired up a cigarette inside my home…my rules.

WOW! I have seen it all now, can’t believe you got a silence for that.

learn what free speech actually means and where it applies before posting so you don’t look uneducated.

Yeah, people have trouble understanding that private companies can limit what you say or don’t say.

This isn’t the world, it’s a video game.