Reported. Reported! Gah

Sorry you can’t be mean to the minorities anymore.


This was needed 8 months later?

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I dont block for being offended. I consider the source of the comment, behavior, etc. It would be like being offended that my cat pee’d on the carpet. The cat no comprende that its done wrong. It acts on its instinct. As many people do.
But you have to do something to keep it from happening again. I dont like wasting my time cleaning pee out of carpet.
I block them to keep them from wasting my time, not because Im offended.

Maybe you were blocked because they dont want you filling their chat box with language and they want to see whats relevant and useful in chat instead?

I gotta start looking at the dates on things in here.
I guess it dont affect the responses at all. But people googling things and ending up here might want to check before raising dead threads.



People tripping over themselves to say “private companies don’t have free speech”

Old people not understanding why someone wants to curse in a video game

Chuds thinking society is going to collapse because they can’t curse in a video game

Probably the most unhinged thread I’ve seen on here lol

I’m not talking about being mean little victim, im talking about changing pictures to fruit lol.

8 months later.

So you’re mad that you can’t fap to fruit. Got it. LOL this is extra funny since you’re from MG.

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