Reported. Reported! Gah

Well, I don’t know about cars, but a few guys have married their dogs (literally) and I think a fellow from Japan married an anime character.

it’s just that the company decided to play good guys and parents for the players when they didn’t ask for it (at the same time, the reputation of the company itself has been going down for a long time)

it would be better if they were engaged in releasing content in their game and not activism, censorship and teaching who can and cannot say what
and for all other cases, if someone does not like what another person says, then they have the opportunity to add a person to the black list and ignore

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My pronouns are report/reported/rapporteur


@Patronus: If you sit in town while you’re waiting for something (like players to log in so you can do a dungeon) and you’re in trade chat and/or general you’ll normally notice people talking nonsense at least once a day. Most times it’s stupid nonsense, but essentially harmless. But it regularly becomes toxic.

Especially if you see someone start a political discussion or something about a current social issue. Largely because there are always trolls who can’t help themselves. They need to offend people. Frankly I don’t think WoW general is the place to be discussing whether you should be vaccinated, whether abortion should be legal, gay marriage, pro/negative Trump etc. I wouldn’t generally report that but like I said, I definitely turn the channels off.

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People like you should be reported.

It’s because people like her/him or whatever, live hard lives waking up every morning looking for discrimination, racism or anything else they deem worthy to be woke warriors on.

These are the type of folks who talk about being courteous to others and virtue signal to everyone for attention. In other words they’re fake people and some are waking up finally from this 6 year nightmare of craziness.

I’m with you, most people I’ve come across or engaged in on chat channels have been good.

The most toxic thing I’ve heard or read was being in a PVP match or in a Raid and most of those folks get shut down by other players in the group.

Blizzard doesn’t need to be a nanny state company and it’s sad that some adults can’t handle being adults and doing adult things like using the ignore button or don’t engage in something your not invited to. Instead they report like little kids hoping mommy Bizz spanks the other child for eating an extra cookie from the cookie jar.

It’s one thing if it’s threats, it’s another if it’s “I don’t like what they’re saying”.

It’s pathetic and irritating.


Back when being a Death Knight was brand new I got reported for using my AOE dps abilities all because they did not like how the dps sound affect sounded like and I was using it too often lol. Reporting idiot things like that is just dumb.

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We use Discord for dungeons and such, we have the in-game chat pretty much turned off, just friends and guild on Discord. Saves a lot of hassle.

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Why is someone else having to put up with and enabling verbal abuse and harassment a thing you consider an “adult thing”? Why do you consider it “pathetic and irritating” when you have to be concerned about breaking rules you agreed to as a condition of playing this game?


I just hate authoritarian behavior, no matter what. It’s never going to be right to censor anything.
Especially when it’s companies with these kinds of powers, controlling the entire cultural zeitgeist. I’m not down with oligarchy, whether it’s in a direct or indirect form.

They will do what they want, though. There is no changing this sickness in society. I’ll just do what small things I can, like not being a snitch. I still believe in fighting the power, even when the power says it’s the good guy.

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Oh My Goodness. Blizzard designed, launched and manage this game. YOU have the choice whether or not you submit to it’s rules. That being said, did you join the game to be a rebel or to play the game?

That was the old “don’t stand in the fire” thing way back when. Idiots would park their toon in a fire and it was truly irritating to hear that sound grinding over and over.

It goes along in real life with people who can’t stop talking…always needing attention.

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If you don’t like the TOS, you don’t have to agree to it. Find another way to enjoy your time.

I’ve known personally maybe a handful of people who have been disciplined for saying immature things on Wow and each of them deserved the punishment they got. If you’re getting reported for what you say in chat, then you deserve the ban, too. Be nice to people, it is more generally well accepted by the larger player base.

The first amendment does not apply to World of Warcraft. So all 77 people who liked OP’s post can stop whining about their free speech - it doesn’t exist in wow.

I’ve been on a number of forums that splintered apart because people were concerned about excessive moderation, where members formed their own new forum, which would be a “free speech zone”. And the new site always ended up with more draconian moderation than the old one had.

Unmoderated forums where trolls are encouraged to bully end up unusable.

no the actual sound of Death Knights laying down AOE rings that made loud sounds… nooooo! stop that it hurts my ears someone kick him…

Welcome to the World of left wing activist warcraft. Don’t bother using chat, looks for guilds trough guild finder till you get what you want. It’s better, you don’t have to communicate to find it, and you will avoid left wing activists in the game


Oh no. Those activists wanting people to…

check notes

Not be jerks to each other.

This is such a horrible world to live in.


How dare a private company set and enforce decency standards in its multi-player online game.

The audacity.

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If you are offended by someone’s words that means its truth. As long someone is not harassing you after you did certain steps to avoid him, sure there should be consequences, But if someone says MF and you report him with tears in your eyes, that is metal issue


Thats not how real life works.

Thats not how “truth” works.

Thats not how any of this works.


Speech isn’t free in World of Warcraft. It costs. It costs your purchase of the game, buying the expansion, paying a subscription. And in order to do that, you have to agree to the terms set by the game’s owners in order to be able to play. Its effectively a digital dictatorship, because once you accept their rules, those are the rules you have to follow to be a part of it.

It ends when you decide not to accept their rules and you don’t do the clicky thing and leave.