Reported. Reported! Gah

Idk why my mom and I lol still come here

Ppls opinions vs others ppls opinions reee

I think most ppl that report are beyond lame unless as my mom says lol

If it’s a threat. Not cool.

I have been told, then repeatedly whispered in game to “just die”. I don’t know if that is a threat, but it wasn’t called for and it was disturbing.

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Yeah that sucks and not called for.

Come up with something better honestly.

Ig I’m weird. I’d want to know why they’re telling me that. They must be so miserable.

My mom goes either way - acting upset to see how much they will troll or flat out asking why they go that route.

Either way, sad man

He was mad because everyone in the raid group did not want to go where he wanted to go. The situation was so trivial (it happens every game, literally) that most of us just let it go on by. In his case, there was a string of expletives then he started rage-whispering several people in the group. He was finally ejected.

We do not know where the guy was from, nor did we know his circumstances, true. From a different perspective, it is easy to see why he may not have ideal circumstances. If I want to be brutally honest, it is nobody else’s obligation to manage his situation.

And did I not say that personally I try not to swear around people I know don’t like it? Most people actually behave that way. My main concern is that people don’t use a filter purposely designed to protect them from bad language and then get upset when they see bad language.

The point is valid, if behaviour is considered normal where you’re from then why would you not default to that as baseline? I think a lot of people are finding it tiresome being told to modify our behaviour when there are systems in place that will (or at least should) prevent it from being an issue in the first place.

Maybe it’s a generational thing, I was taught to not let what people say bother me. Laugh it off because it’s just showing that they’re the one with the problem not you. Whereas the current scenario appears to be if someone says something that bothers you take it to heart, get super upset and report them to authorities and get them punished.

That said, there is a marked difference between a casual f-bomb as part of conversation and someone being “edgy” and just swearing non-stop for… I dunno… shock value? And it’s definitely different to someone actively abusing a person. In either of those cases I’d happily report someone too.

One of my friend got silenced for “advertising for boosting or carries”. I have no idea what he did. I’m sure he doesn’t sell runs.

“pure evil” is not a cuss word.

He lied to you.

The existence of the language filter does not mean y ou can swear in the game. Period.

This has been explained repeatedly, here and in the CS forum.

You puts down your money and you takes your chances.

We miss you, buddy.

Well see now, this is a fault in the game then. IF you are explicitly NOT allowed to swear in the game then there should be automatic detection and flagging of profanity. It should just happen behind the scenes with no required input from players. Basically when you type something offensive the server should immediately flag it, silence the text (so no one can be offended) and you’re immediately hit with some sort of punishment. Whether that is as simple as muting, suspending your account for a time or something else doesn’t matter.

By leaving it entirely up to the players to report then then the behaviour is tacitly being if not approved of then at least not disapproved of. That said, it’s a horrible idea for any game that’s not aimed entirely at little kids.

Anyway, I think there is much more egregious behaviour displayed by players on a regular basis than the occasional f-bomb. Yet most of it just gets a free pass.

Except Blizzard doesn’t really care what people type in less public channels. They generally leave it up to GLs and officers to moderate guild chat, so feel free to go HAM there. You just gotta chill a bit in general and trade chat.

I, personally, like the fact that when I’m in a party with friends or a community with friends I can type however I want, and I’d be super annoyed if Blizzard took that away because people can’t control themselves in public channels.

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it amazes me how many people dont understand the concept of the 1st amendment. And its always these people who dont understand who have problems with people not liking what they say. Wonder why that is lmao.


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think we should have forced automatic filtering and/or banning, on either private or public chat channels. But it’s a logical extrapolation of this comment:

If you aren’t allowed to swear in game then you shouldn’t be able to. The tech exists to stop that so you could argue that by choosing not to prevent it they’re tacitly allowing or condoning it.

edit: Heck why don’t blizzard force a filter on for the public channels (trade/general/defense)? Then people who are offended won’t see the bad language. As you say leave private (whisper/guild/community) channels up to the players discretion.

No idea, I can’t speak to Blizzard’s motivations. I just avoid trade and general because nothing good happens there anyway, and I talk however I want in guild and party. Unless I’m pugging, then I don’t really say much outside of greetings or quick strategy.

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Honestly I do the same. I literally leave general, trade and local defense on my characters and only join them to specifically do something. I think I’ve seen about three lines of chat in PUGs over a month. No one talks apart from the mandatory “hello” at the start of a dungeon and “thanks” at the end lol.

And 1000! Yeet this thread sure had wings

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I have played WOW for about 15 years now. Yes I have run into some racists players who were just downright cruel and offensive to others. With that said I could count those players on one hand, point being is that the majority of players are good to great people. I read these crazy threads and wonder where are all these people you and others speak of?

Another thing I might add is when I log on I focus on what my goal is. For example logged on yesterday and needed to win one BG to get a trinket for my alt. I couldn’t tell you what was posted in chat or the names of the players. Point being if you log on to actually play the game you don’t notice a lot of this behavior, at least for me.

I thought I would make this one easy for you.

The First Amendment only protects your speech from government censorship. It applies to federal, state, and local government actors. This is a broad category that includes not only lawmakers and elected officials, but also public schools and universities, courts, and police officers. It does not include private citizens, businesses, and organizations. This means that:

  • A private school can suspend students for criticizing a school policy;
  • A private business can fire an employee for expressing political views on the job; and
  • A private media company can refuse to publish or broadcast opinions it disagrees with.

Private businesses have rules and as long as the rules do not violate the Law, then they are free to proceed. They cannot stop you from cursing at the government, but they can say, “Not when you are on these premises.” This means… any content owned by Blizz.