Reported. Reported! Gah

I hope that’s true

How much land did the biggest landowner in 1787 own? Let’s say it was big enough to host the entire US population of 2.5 million people (at the time). This landowner would have to prepare accomadations for 2 million people, and hire the other 500 thousand as his moderators. This landowner would would need to transport the people to his land, come up with rules for these people’s speech, and instruct his 500 thousand employees. He would need to do this every single day. This is an impossible situation to fund and manage. In the modern world, this is Twitter, or Facebook, only the power of computing and the Internet make this situation possible. Concepts that could not be conceived of in the past. It must be understood that the 1st ammendment was sufficient protection at the time, it isn’t anymore and should be expanded.

Another thread where the same ol’ crew of people come in and dogpile everyone that dares to have wrongthink It sure is curious how this always seems to happen.

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Ugh… it has to be 1,000% or nothing, huh?

Well if we are talking about something that would remove the need for the rule… yeah.

Most of the world, for all of history, has had social rules. Those are generally “be nice to people” rules.

Yes, the idea of being a jerk without consequences is considered “wrong” in most societies for all of history. You CAN say what you want, but nobody else has to put up with you.

Maybe that should tell you something.


You totally don’t understand that people can manipulate chat to say w/e… but that adding those to an algorythim that checks for that is a positive thing.

You just think that w/e I say is wrong with no reason behind it.

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Maybe you shouldn’t gaslight people on the forums when someone disagrees with you. Just because someone doesn’t agree with the social contract doesn’t mean they are “being a jerk” or “aren’t following the rules”.

Every single time someone disagrees though your group of authoritarians come on here and just push this same old song and dance trying to silence everyone who would think differently than you. It’s all so tiresome.


No, I think there is something wrong with what you said because there is something wrong with what you said. You can’t program out of people being creative with the maturity filter. It’s just not possible.

so you want, what, a thread where only people who agree with you will post?

good luck with that.

ps. no one can silence anyone on this board. other than blizzard.


So, you joined a private group that has rules. What is it you want to do, without consequence, within that space? What do you think you have the right to do without others judging? Without consequences?

Nobody here has silenced your opinion. Your posts are still here. They just don’t agree with you.


People take wow way to serious, I also wonder what type of brain washing people have, that they think freedom of speech means they can say whatever they want without being punished.

Rules only matter if they are enforced. That is it. If Blizzard is starting to enforce the rules, than the rules matter now. So respect them. If they are not, than you have a right not to respect said rules, because they are not being enforced.

It is that simple.

Yes, but when you program atleast SOME of the clever iterations, then you’ve made progress. You’re saying just leave it how it is…

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The modern world would have a lot fewer problems if “rules” had only ever been “generally” used to enforce being nice to people.

You would be correct. While I am occasionally rough around the edges, and often feel more like a tattooed bull in a china shop, I have a sibling, and cousins, who are very much good people and they inspire the belief that being a kind person is not weakness. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Anyone can just be crude and rude and pretend not to care, as I have done on more than one occasion in my younger days. That said, I find I am surrounded by a better class of people, well liked, and trusted more for being someone who follows the rules and always acts in the best interests of others. I get how some crude things can be self-entertaining, but they are far less funny when they spoil someone else’s enjoyment of things, including an MMO. :slight_smile:


Just as everyone sets the rules for what’s acceptable in their own house, so does Blizzard.

I refuse to believe this is a difficult concept to understand. People who claim it is are bald-facing lying.

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“The right to heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.” – Hubert Humphprey.

Or the right not to be disagreed with.

Not gonna lie. After I was banned for cursing out an NPC and found out it was because people reported me, I started reporting everyone because the more people that get banned the more people that will complain.

If you don’t mind me asking, what did the NPC do to you? :innocent: :stuck_out_tongue:

It was a raid boss