Reported. Reported! Gah

I have a feeling he truly believes his edginess is a sign of higher evolution rather than the reality that he is just maladjusted.

Who defines “acceptable norms”? Is it always the majority?
I’m of mixed Native, European, and African ancestry. Differences in “acceptable norms” were the backdrop of attrocities through the 19th century that directly affected my family members and created massive divisions between the removed and unremoved portions of my family.

Majority-dynamics are not always inherently correct. Never forget that.

in this specific case?

Blizzard, in their ToS.


He or she surely makes some valid points. This i can respect. It is the condescension that makes it hard to digest. That and the fact that there is no humility or flexibility in the dialogue.

Relevant to your opinion, not relevant to this conversation. Acceptable norm here is simply abiding by the rules you agreed to.

In this case, that is not correct.

A minor observation: you don’t know who or what any of us are on the other end of the monitor. I don’t feel it remotely reasonable that you assume to know our experience. Furthermore, we are not in the 19th century, we are typing on a video game forum, today, now. You have exactly the same access as anyone else, so you are not being victimized or marginalized. In this instance, majority dynamics are not in question, the rules are.


100%. I drop F bombs like there is no tomorrow. Curse of coming up in a military family and then elisting myself when I was 18. That said, my fingers are not autonomous either, and while not offended by it, I do know my opinion is not the only opinion, nor is my reaction. I just feel like unless you are in a private setting like Party/Raid chat with your guild, who adds it to their own list of permissible language, when using a general chat forum with others who may not be so like minded, it is just smarter to type sensibly, and not in a profane, offensive, or personally humorous manner.


That changed when the moderation became partially arbitrated by public opinion through the introduction of an automated squelch system.

Previous to that, all account actions went through human GM eyes. Any step where its removed from human eyes creates a majority-authority dynamic that can be abused without members of the majority even being away of the dynamic existing.

I don’t disagree at all.

I love to have deep conversations, even with (maybe especially with) someone I may not see eye to eye with
 but the poor attitude is always going to be a turn off.

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Because of Armchair Lawyers.

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I’m not sure how you think talking about someone negatively in the third person as if they’re not present is somehow a demonstration of better attitude than me quoting a guy’s own post back to him.

But that’s your right. My entire point is that people have very diverse neurological backgrounds and perceive reality differently. That’s clearly the case right now. :slight_smile:

Fizzy, I consider that you want to get along with others, so you do your best to show it. This is not walking on eggshells, it is the best part of being social.

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It became relevant the second an automated system entered the equation a number of years ago. Big picture thinking matters here. We’ve deputized reports in a way they weren’t prior to that.

I’m pretty sure that dynamic is relevant to more than just my opinion.

This is a bold statement that demonstrates severe naiveté about the diversity of the United States, let alone North America (since these servers/forums are not ONLY Americans)

Very, very bold, and very ignorant.

There is that condescension.

Also, Axe, meet grinder.

After all that, it is STILL not ok to call someone a M.F. in trade chat.

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I’m coming in to this post not reading 500+ comments since the last time i saw it.


That’s more condescending to you than being told my distrust of majority-dynamics in lieu of relatively recent American history that directly affected my kin is just a factor in my “personal opinion?”

Please quote me where I ever said it was, or admit that this is nothing but a slanderous debate tactic meant to imply that posting in this thread means I inherently defend all actions of another poster.

Honesty matters. I’m debating the blind spots of good intentions, not the idea of human decency.

oh, and your butt is still fuzzy! :innocent: :stuck_out_tongue:


I was the non asian in the room 15 years ago and we are all just having fun and mingling and the mid 20 year old to show they like a girl was messing with them with no intentional insults to her or various people.
So I started to do the same thing and then I get on a perma ban hate list and not allowed to join them in future functions.

Glad they banned me and dropped me as friend as least I know who my true friends are. I am in a position where I make sure they do not get hired at my place of work lol

And ignorance is not debatable.

So you decided to mess with a girl and got removed from the friends group for it. Well, that sounds like you received consequences for your actions because you crossed lines. Hopefully that taught you that treating women that way is not ok - or that at least it required consent from the individual first.

So you carry a grudge against people from 15 years ago because they objected to your treatment of a woman? To the point where if one of them applied for a job you would ensure they don’t get hired?

Or do you mean you now carry a grudge against all asian people and won’t hire them simply for their ethnicity? If so that is illegal and you might want to think that one through.

People making it clear your behavior was not ok, is a hard lesson to learn. It is important to learn from it though - and it can be a very valuable life experience.


Clarification. When you say, “in a position where I make sure they do not get hired”, who are “they”? If they are the specific people in your story, I get that, but if you are ostracizing all Asians because of a encounter, then you need to take a good look at your self.

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Your concept of free speech only exists in the public eye. Blizzard is a private group
 Consider for a moment that you can’t even write on the forums without a paying subscription.