Reported. Reported! Gah

To extend the analogy, I’d say only one of us is driving in the wrong lane in this particular conversation re: the word “trolls” and associated accusatory language.

Do you show up to the grocery store without shoes? No? Then you understand private establishments have rules you must abide if you wish to be there. This is no different.


Are adults ever adversely affected by authority figures like police based upon majority-minority dynamics?
If the answer is yes, and this is a game populated largely by adults, what can we glean from this?

If every room has a fireaxe in a glass box, what’s going to escalate more quickly: fires put out via axe, or foul play?

I envy your naiveté if you think it’s the former.

we can glean that you’re making ridiculous comparisons that don’t apply.

Follow the TOS, you aren’t special enough to be exempt from it.


I spend part of the year in a beach town where it’s well known that “no shirt, no shoes, no service” is less enforced than chewing gum bans.
Context makes things real funny sometimes.

We can glean enough from this response.
Prescriptivism vs descriptivism.

A Guild Officer told me not to use the word “gay”, once. For some context, there was some drama, that I wasn’t apart of nor witness where some jerks were harassing one of our LGBTQ+ members. They got removed from the guild, for good reason.

Context of what I said was I was upset because I was farming this slug pet for my guild members. I was going to mail them over, to my guildies. Then, I found out they’re BoP, so I explained why I couldn’t mail them and was upset. I exclaimed “that’s so ‘gay’”. To which I was told not to say “gay”, at all. I apologized to the LGBTQ+ member, if I offended them, but they even knew I wasn’t attacking them because of it. To play it safe, in that particular guild, can’t say the word “gay” 'cause of two jerks ruining it for everyone.

This is like back in Wrath or Cata or something…so many memories of this game, since BC, for me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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you shouldn’t be using gay as a derogatory anywhere.


^ I used to have to deal with people that used it then would say “I am not being homophobic” and I know they weren’t intending to be, but being used to mean bad is rooted in homophobia. You can’t just uncouple a word from the weight that it carries simply because you, personally, don’t mean anything bad. Same with certain other words.

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OFC, I’m a little older so times reflect our language. I could’ve expressed it in many different ways like “that’s so silly”. Which I use “silly” for most (not all) words that most (not all) of society doesn’t want others to use like “gay”, “stupid”, “dumb”, “lame”, etc. Either way, I wasn’t attacking the member. I was rightfully upset I couldn’t gift my guildies something I farmed for.

But, my intentions don’t matter. Intentions never matter, anymore only words. This is in a guild. I didn’t say this in a public chat like Trade, General, Say, etc. I can understand in a public chat channel but between guildies and/or friends? Guess we’re not really guildies nor friends, if their first train of thought is that I’m some ill-intentioned person which I’m not. I (obviously) understood why the guild made that rule. In the Flintstones intro, they say “we’ll have a ‘gay’ old time” which means “happy”. But, it CAN be taken in a derogatory way even though the context of it doesn’t mean it in such a way.

There’s even people out there that make fun of me for refusing to use the Q word because of how I was raised. It’s hard to hear, on my ears.

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Oh yeah for sure. Sorry I didn’t intend for it to seem like I was coming down on you. We all do various stupid things when we are kids. Just wanted to express how words have ingrained meanings we should be mindful of even if we don’t intend them that way. :slight_smile:

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I understand what you’re saying, but in this case, just as blizzard sets the rules for chat for the overall game, guild masters can have their own standards of behavior.

some guilds don’t mind, and anything goes, others have more stringent guidelines for what is and is not ok. :woman_shrugging:

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I definitely was mindful because I never attacked that LGBTQ+ member for being LGBTQ+. In fact, we were friends. If I was there and witnessed that drama, I would’ve told them off. “Them” as in those jerks making fun of that member for simply being LGBTQ+. I even met that LGBTQ+ member in real life, that’s how close we were. We lost touched over the years, but I was never against them for being LGBTQ+. That’s just silly. See what I did there? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


here’s my advice to you:

grow up. be an adult. understand that words might be scary to you but all you need to do is not pay attention to them and they will have no power over you.

Is that person trying to talk to me? If so, they’re on my ignore list. Explains the hidden reply that I’m not interested in uncollapsing.

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It’s cute that you think turning it around like that works - it doesn’t.

I don’t mind strong language, and use more than my share of it.

the adult part comes in when you understand that the ToS as written by blizzard applies to you, and if you use strong language in game (typically in public chat channels) you may get actioned for it as outlined in the ToS.

it’s a black/white issue, hilarious that this has gone on for 800+ posts.


All you need to do is follow the rules. It doesn’t matter if someone is offended or not (most of us are not). You agreed to abide a few rules, put on your big boy britches and do it.


Lately, I’ve been Discording my speech and keeping it out of WoW’s space. And, only keep any “inappropriate” humor amongst non-strangers. I say “non-strangers” because we still have to get to know each other to understand each other’s humor, right? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I feel ya. I find typing while actively playing to be annoying.

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Haaaahahahahaha gasp need breath…

You put an exclamation point to the conversation! There is no give in your opinion. From what I can see, you come from a direction of contrived moral and intellectual superiority. I find it funny…envisioning a Gobby floating on a pillow of clouds in a lotus position, eyes half closed…typing in the third person. Wow!

I have learned something here. No, I don’t have a lot of investment in the subject, as someone has said, “you do you” is always going to be the case. I like to understand why people say and do what they do. I like to challenge the reasoning behind some of the bold comments made. I have come to the stark realization that some people just don’t feel they have the ability (or is it humility) to be incorrect, therefore everyone else is.

Recognizing modern debate tactics is the first sign that someone is trying to win rather than understand. Look for cracks in the logic, then work on breaking down the credibility of your opponent by attacking them personally rather than discussing the subject. Sound familiar?

You still have not answered the single most relevant questions
asked, why would anyone feel the need to behave contrary to acceptable norms, and why should it be ok?

And again you highlight, out of context, that we all have differing experiences. Was the purpose to add to your argument,or was it to be contrary? Or was there no purpose, and you wanted to establish superiority within context of the quote?

It was never about the scary words bub, it has always been about the need to not comply. This is a game, not your job. Even getting banned does not draw blood. Adults understand how to be respectful, and what it takes to not be ostracised. People who just can’t do it…I would not consider them as adults.