Reported. Reported! Gah

The only snowflakes are those who feel they are special and the rules should not apply to them.


Read the words. If you are having a problem with known trolls, you are experiencing the very same feeling that this thread is breathing by. Bad behavior, abuse of access.

Please remember to never hold strangers to an ideal that you yourself cannot match:

If we could all do that, as human beings, many issues in the world would be diminished.

Please define snowflakes, and for that matter explain how they are relevant to this conversation?

I see people who I know to be very abusive on other platforms biting their tongues while spam-reporting their enemies in-game. That’s what I consider abuse of access.

Some of us argue out of experience. Others argue out of morality.
I"m arguing from both.

Please define trolls.
Sometimes I think the terms are synonymous. :wink:

Funny. We all have differing experiences, and morality has become a subjective concept.

I haven’t used the word trolls when typing to you, that is your go-to word yes?

The most beloved race in Wow.

Are American’s just realizing that there are consequences to one’s own actions?

I don’t think core morality is very subjective at all. It’s empathy and understanding rather than bad faith from the gate. There’s no culture on Earth this doesn’t apply to.

Anyway, I’m done arguing with people who aren’t invested enough to remember their own talking points. I suspect readers-be have seen my point quite clearly now. They’re the target audience. :slight_smile:


Not all of us.ℱ

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Too many scars
from teef

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Curse words used to be used to show anger or intense emotions. Using them constantly in casual conversation dilutes their meaning. My sons never curse around me. When they do, I know there is a big problem somewhere and take notice. Mom advice. :grin:

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Eh I don’t mind cursing. They are words much like any other word to me. But, not the topic at hand. :slight_smile:

I remember my talking points, I was responding to your terminology, or did I forget?

Morality has become subjective. People have become “enlightened” and feel each and every one has the correct answer on how to set their own standards. The fact that you are advocating that we adopt preventative measures to protect ourselves from people who have no self control is offensive. Why should we need to overlook bad behavior?

Oh, no, I didn’t forget at all :rofl:

I don’t even think you’re acting in bad faith. I just don’t think you’re as invested in the idea as you are the argument. You’re not fact checking yourself. I don’t think it’s bad faith insofar as I don’t think you realize what you’re doing is inherently dishonest. This is me giving you the benefit of the doubt because I, too, used to argue to argue rather than to have a point.

What I think is that is a 2 way street. This argument has gotten long in the tooth because neither set of opinions is flexible. And to that I will concede.

The art of adulting is usually when we begin to question the odd and wrong. When we finally feel free to express, not shut up and accept. But hey, you do you.

Adults don’t act like toddlers when told they’re expected to not curse in public places.

edit: privately owned places the public is allowed to enter. those privately owned places have rules people are expected to follow.