Reported. Reported! Gah

Yup, pretty sure it was that one!

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I beg to differ.

I needed a CICS project to complete my EDS Systems Engineering program (the OJT portion) and on the account I was on they were rare.

The one I drew was “Correct an unfortunate misspelling of the word ‘shift’ in a user prompt.”

The mature language filter just muffles swear words. Why not cause it to block messages in their entirety?

You have the mature filter turned off, you can read it.

You have the mature filter turned on, you don’t see anything.

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Because it would become a sick game to circumvent the filter with symbols, foreign characters, and such as it is with names now.

Then we’d be where we are now. Reported. Sanctioned.

How about just sanctioning anyone selfish enough believe that the very clear rules they agreed to when then installed the game don’t apply to them.

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I think he is saying that he accidentally typed ing in the wrong order if you take my meaning. The odds that a) anyone would see that as anything other than a typo since that would be at the end of a word and not by itself or b) even if by some craziness someone reported that a GM would do anything is probably -100%.

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Why not just follow the rules. Seems much easier.

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You forget that sometimes people organize to do harm to others. You assume bad faith of the punished, but never assume bad faith of the reporters?

Do the police always act in good faith? Do citizens? Sociology, please.

You are right. The GMs are surely out to get you for reasons™, Scabbers.



Those can’t be programmed into the mature filter?

You’re essentially denying an advantage if you believe in the mature filter by not agreeing what I just wrote.

What makes you think people aren’t doing that now? Some of us still want to use swear words…

Swearing is almost never the problem. The intentions behind the swear words are. Someone drops a hammer on their toe and they use the f word… who cares? Someone says “u’re a _______ loser, uninstall wow.”

Do you see the difference?

You’re essentially blaming a swear word for transgressions, when you can insult someone without the use of such words. Telling someone to uninstall wow is abusive…

Then don’t come here crying when you get sanctioned. Next time that ToU pops up? Click ‘disagree’. Problem solved.

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You expect that it is possible to outprogram creativity? REALLY?


Either learn that there is a time, place, and audience for everything, or accept your punishments as they come.

Not swearing on the forums is a ridiculous rule. They won’t do anything about the bigotry, though.

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I"m not blaming the words for anything. I"m blaming the people who don’t think the rules should apply to them for not believing the rules should apply to them.

And the sort of behavior you’re describing is also banned and actionable. It’s just not related to swearing. It’s a different issue.

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No, the GMs are overworked and don’t have time to look into the context of everything.
The incident I’m talking about was overturned. The fact it was even punished demonstrates a systemic flaw.

It’s not hard logic to follow unless you’re acting in bad faith, which is absolutely what you’re doing when your post culminates in an x-to-doubt meme.

You do know toxicity doesn’t only refer to using bad words, right? It’s also the way you approach strangers. If you only assume good will of your own friends? You need to rethink how you socialize.

Typed messaging is the only way we have of gauging the attitude of the player behind it. The intent behind the words is what people have a problem with. To be honest, this game is inundated with people who exhibit bad behavior because there is almost literally no consequence. If you are going to say people get banned for it, I am sorry, being banned from a game is not a punishment.

I am not sure any of we players feel that the developers are our friends. For that matter, we don’t even see them as friendly most times. I also feel no friendship toward someone who is dissing me in the game. What do you consider as a parasocial phenomenon?

Most of us don’t want to report anyone. Most of us don’t pay attention to others until we have a reason to. Have you had the pleasure of someone typing at you that your mother is a (loose person), you are a (cat) and you can go get pierced with a sharp object? Have you ever been Rage Stalked in whisper until you had to log off and the ensuing report could be acted upon? You are arguing that such behavior is acceptable, and counteracting it is oppressive? No, I was not physically threatened, but it certainly was disruptive to my gaming session.

Again, this thread was started by someone who was upset that he was reported for typing out that someone else was an M.F. By definition the term is offensive. Why is it that he getting reported is such a problem?

Being insulted is not charitable

Presenting a singular occurrence is not evidence that most situations are “accidents”. Most players when they choose to disregard common sense know full well what they mean to say. If the context in which person made the typo was positive, all parties involved would have understood the intent.

This conversation is not about some Orwellian movement, it is about accountability and consequence. You ask the question “why don’t you just filter it out”? I ask, why should we need to?

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If you program out the worst words, and people go around it to say them, then they’ve demonstrated intent much more clearly than if there is no system at all beyond community reporting that falls along biases such as “my guild hates X so we’re going to stalk them with reports even though we cut up all the time in our own chat”

It’s genuinely not rocket science. This is a systems failure that empowers trolls and bad faith actors while casting zero value to good-hearted people who try to address disagreements on a 1 to 1 basis.

If someone starts DMing you after a battleground to talk trash, and you talk it back, and they report you and you don’t report them, you will be actioned and they will not, unless you take the steps to open a ticket to explain to the GM that they initiated the fight.

Why? Because that kind of context is GENUINELY not explored right now.

If you don’t see the problem with that, then I don’t frankly trust you.

The filter is not designed to protect you from the rules, the filter is designed to protect the community from your inability to follow the rules. Follow the rules. It’s simple.

Stop trying to put the onus onto Blizzard or the other players and accept that it is on you.

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So you…can’t imagine a conversation happening in /say in a major city, a typo occuring, and a guild of known trolls taking the opportunity to report the typo for the lulz?

I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you. Anyone with older siblings or experience in nearly any kind of school system knows the kind of behaviors that cliques can engage in.

Do you know how many rules you break on these forums on a weekly basis?
Read the social contract again. The first part of it, not the part about bad language.
The finger-wagging and better-than-thou behavior is a major part of the problem because it’s intentional antagonism; and that is indeed covered by the social contract.

Assuming people are liars because of your own inherent distrust of your fellow man is a problem on your end that you do not recognize.

The same should be said to the snowflake reporters…