Reported. Reported! Gah

10% ignorance, 90% willful stupidity.

Ever seen someone get mass-reported for a typo on a word ending in -ing?
I have.

You assume people doing the reporting do so in good faith. One can infer more than you realize about your experiences in life from that.

There’s ableism and normalcy-seeking bias hardcoded into the idea that “all adults can just watch their mouth all the time”, some peoples brains work differently than others, and not everyones ability to process emotions is identical. What seems illogical to you may seem logical to another in that moment, and that itself is in fact written in the Social Contract if you’d care to read it; the bit about a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures.

You should be aware of those blind spots. There’s history behind those blind spots.

Maybe you can get your Lord and Savior Elon Musk to buy WoW so you can go back to saying the N-word with impunity. Go ask him, I’m sure he’ll listen to you personally.

Nope, because there’s no such thing as a typo that results in a curse word.

Sorry, but no.

If a curse word appears in the chat, it’s because someone went out and specifically typed that. They can ‘claim’ typo and mistake but it’s a lie, because no one, ever, has typed out a curse word by accident.

Again you can say a curse word by accident. Step on a lego at 2am while you’re barefoot and I guarantee you you’ll probably shout a curse word due to the pain. Get killed in a video game and you may let out a few curse words at your screen (especially if you’re playing a souls game).

But in order to curse in the chat you must type out each of those individual characters and then you must press the enter key. If say you’re saying the four letter word for sex, even if you’re only saying that word by itself, you have to move your fingers across the keyboard, press four keys, and then press that enter key. That takes a conscious effort from you as a player.

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…are you really splitting hairs over the difference between a curse and a slur and missing the point that the reports were obviously done in bad faith to punish for a typo?

Do you believe people who are not of “sound mind” should be forbidden from gaming because they have illogical mental tendencies? Does banning them do something that silencing them doesn’t? Do you know anyone who suffers from PTSD?

I don’t think you understand what I’m talking about about normativity bias. You don’t know how dangerous it is to pathologize the “other.”

Here’s a better question…why doesn’t the hard-filter that prevents the full version of that slur from being entered into chat at all enter into this conversation at all?

With a hard filter like that, if people circumvent it, punishment is much more expected and harder to argue about. But for some reason people seem to want to police and report each other instead of simply have the system block the offensive language.

Now, what could be fueling that parasocial phenomenon?


I’m going to sneeze on your mailbox.

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That’s a good point actually. If people uncheck that box, they are in essence giving their consent to read any sort of profane language.

That’s the mature language filter, I’m not even referring to that, but to a new system introduced a few months ago that completely blocks that slur from even being entered into chat. Your enter button won’t work with it typed out.

They could expand this. They’re choosing not to because some people view the biased community-reporting as a “feature.”

This is a good point, and it’s something I’ve been thinking about lately. I don’t have a great answer yet. Too many moving parts, or I’m just not looking at this the right way.

Again, there is no such thing as an accidentally typed slur or curse word.

It’s possible to accidently say one of those words. It is not possible to accidentally type one. It’s really that simple.

Stop trying to defend people who are breaking the rules by trying to claim that they do it ‘accidentally’.

Replace the medium for a moment. Imagine you’re writing a letter. Can you accidently write a slur or a curse word into a letter. Can you pick up a pen or pencil and write that word on a letter, and then seal the letter and send it to whoever you were going to send it to? No, you can’t. It’s like licking your elbow, no one, not even the most physically flexible person, can do that.

Even the most mentally challenged individual, or a person with Tourette’s syndrome, can’t accidently type or write a slur. It’s not possible. Say? Yes. Write? No. Understand?

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I have literally witnessed it. Are you being willfully obtuse? Did you not read my post?

So your stance is that people who don’t carefully proofread everything they type in a tiny chatbox in a video game are mentally challenged?

This is exactly what I’m talking about. Your speech drips with thought hierarchy which originates from eugenicists. You do not know you’re speaking hate speech.

No, what you’ve witnessed is someone typing a slur, then saying ‘oops, sorry, accident’ in order to try to get out of the negative backlash they’re going to get because they typed it. It wasn’t an accident.

It’s like those troglodytes who say an extremely crude or offensive thing and then quickly say “Oh it was a joke, bro.” when they get called out. They only say that because they got hit with the negativity. If everyone around them had accepted what they said, they’d never claim it was a joke.

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Words ending in -ing are fairly common in the English language, and the typo that occurs for that ending is a very bad one, and also relatively common. Most people recognize its a typo when it happens. It’s obvious.

You think nobody ever makes that typo by mistake? You think trolls wouldn’t go out of their way to report someone for that mistake?

I am telling you that I have witnessed it occur. I hope you’re not calling me a liar.

Calling people troglodytes is against the social contract, btw. Don’t do that.

I believe that you saw that happen. I believe that you believe that you think it was an accident.

But it wasn’t an accident. It was done on purpose, and that person said it was an accident in order to deflect criticism that was levelled at them.

It is no different than the person who says something offensive and claims it was a joke after they get called out. Literally no different.

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I know for a fact it was an accident, because I know the ethnicity of the person who typed it.
You assume bad faith of others. I assume things of you based on that. Be more charitable towards your fellow human beings. Assuming ill is not the way.

The ethnicity of the person is completely irrelevant. Your ethnicity does not magically shield you from criticism for typing a racial slur. Nor does it make it okay or suddenly make it ‘accidental’.

I’m done with this discussion, if you want to defend people who type curses and slurs in chat, go off, but I’m not going to tolerate it. Goodbye.

You’re very clearly trolling at this point, and I will not be entertaining you further.
Chi pisa la chike.

Hey I just checked the forums for the first time in years.

I quit after some drama troll thread that was kept up by mods making fun of people with mental illness. Me and other people sent an email about it to blizzard. And they wiped my account’s forum posts :slight_smile:

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Hey, I think I might remember that thread. Did it have something to do with the zombie prepatch event?

Wow Forum moderation has been garbage for ages, and still is.

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