Dismissive of facts? You mean your completely subjective story? So your completely subjective story has more value than mine, where I hear swearing every single day? You might want to put a bit more thought into this.
Besides, I gave you another sources statistics, and that still wasn’t good enough. As I said before, you can very easily… VERY EASILY… look this up on google, with just one search. You will very easily see that people swear all the time, every single day. And, swearing isn’t a big deal, they’re just words that enunciate a mood. Heaven forbid people actually have moods, or feelings, and exclaim those moods or feelings with words that you disapprove of.
This is a bit of a tangent, but I’d like to make another point. Swearing or profanity isn’t necessarily a bad thing. What’s important is the intent behind those words. But, we don’t worry about intentions behind words, we just worry about the words themselves. They aren’t magical, they don’t hold power, but the intent and emotions of the person does have power.
Asking why people don’t simply “act better” is ivory tower, privileged levels of thinking that doesn’t really exist in the real world. It’s computer jockey, white savior, white knight levels of crap. And, telling children or adults not to act how they choose to act, is kind of foolish, at best. Children especially need to make mistakes in order to learn and improve on themselves. The reason that you don’t swear is because at some point you learned that that wasn’t the best way to communicate, that it might be a bit childish. But, in the end they are just words.
A better way to handle swearing, would be to ask why people feel the need to do it, what frame of mind they’re in when they do it. Instead, we live in a world where hyperactive-nanny’s hear these words and get bent out of shape. Again, they’re just words, and they aren’t important.