then it baits the up tights. which can lead to chats better than the actual epic bg lol.
Had an av go turtle last night I stayed for 2 reasons. It was my final honor for the weekly with adjusted honor at the end if I stayed.
and the chat. flames, trolls bating, it had it all. This is morbidly entertaining to me when in the mood for it. having come off over 2 hours of LFG channel 4 spam in tbcc this was a nice change from reading “lf1m sp ffa/no loot 50g no summons”. fill in other dungeons ofc.
It shouldn’t have to suffer. In my personal opinion reporting doesn’t have to be a thing in most cases, since ignore is great for what ‘you’ find annoying, offensive, or distracting. There shouldn’t be a limit on it, they improved it MASSIVELY by making it account wide, not toon based. And they can further improve it. They can just remove the limit or make it absurdly high.
But even then, with the examples you gave, I can understand a report if its really gross and out there. But if someone says a swear word, or tells someone something mean, (Again, this doesn’t apply to threats, hate speech, harassment, or racism or attacks on people) do they really deserve a report and action that could color their account for the rest of their life? Is what people say that can bother you (Again, not for the exceptions listed) warrant such a harsh response that leaves them no room to grow, change for the better, or adjust themselves before they suffer a penalty and have it on their record, forever?
Does the punishment, fit the crime?
Screwing up 3 years ago, and accidentally slipping up today, means you are not given a first time punishment, you are given a punishment deserving of a repeat offender, I have been told, with each infraction, the punishment stacks. It holds your past against you, regardless if you do, or do not deserve it.
So you are essentially defending them breaking the rules and the only “consequence” should be me ignoring them? Little soft for my taste. Wanna be a jerk, you can get permaband
I think there should be punishment for breaking rules, I think the punishment itself should vary for the violation. No one is above the rules, not once have I said that or inferred as such. I think for somethings, a report is not fair to do. I think a ignore should suffice. Others, reports are the ideal way to handle it. It depends on what it is, and how it is said.
Being a jerk, and getting a permaban, is neither fair, just, reasonable, or kind in itself. It sounds about as ruthless, cold and unfeeling as most trolls and jerks I have seen and heard of on here.
Maybe this will help, OP.
*When you’re logged into World of Warcraft, you’re in Their House.
*Its like being inside a Barnes and Noble or a McDonald’s, a church, doctor’s office, or a therapist’s office. *While you’re in there, you Must obey the rules THEY have set up.
You can’t just do what you want or feel is best for you. If you start shouting obscenities because you want to, or feel you’re “being creative,” you’re going to get kicked out.
*Also not everyone feels that your cursing or whatever derogatory language you wish to use against others is acceptable. Its not.
*It doesn’t matter if you’re telling someone their dps is low or calling someone a whatever in trade chat; you choose your words and can choose to use other words than swears or hateful words in your communication.
*The Social Contract is basically saying, “Hey, dont be rude, cruel, mean, or harrassing towards others in the game, whether in words or actions.”
*The contents of the Social Contract have been in the ToS for a good long while. They are being enforced now in an effort to clean up the atmosphere of rudeness and trashy communication between some players.
*When you clicked accept on the Social Contract and logged into the game, you did the equivalent of walking through thr door at a store or doctor’s office. And by doing so, agreee to follow the rules.
But you have inferred it with the, I never report, I simply ignore and move on. It is the same as doing nothing to improve the game and ignoring what sort of effect this person could be having on others. If they are railing against the LGBT or any other Race/ethnicity, are you just going to complacently /ignore and go on about your business?
Of course not. As I said, you had valid points. Being overly political, toxic, hateful, hurtful or controversial is NOT acceptable, and I whole heartedly support reporting for it, in fact, I have a few times when I see it. Do I think someone should be harshly punished, or ‘permabanned’ for being a jerk and swearing a bit, or insulting someone? No.
Being a bit careless with what you say and actively attacking or upsetting people intentionally is 2 totally different things.
Making a mistake doesn’t mean you don’t care. We all make mistakes. Does that mean we all are bad people who only strive to be bad? A permaban doesn’t ‘let’ anyone learn to watch their mouths.
Getting a permaban is really hard to do and takes many many infractions, or something really serious.
Nobody is getting perm removed from game for an occasional minor blip once every few years. That would be Blizzard shooting themselves in all their feet.
While I understand your concern about the Squelch function if a group of people is a bit report happy, you seem to have gone a bit far.
Perma ban is not a step taken lightly, especially for long term accounts. It is really rare, and usually reserved for cheating/hacking, botting, and REALLY egregious harassment and chat violations.
If I swear by typing it in, it means I made a CONSCIOUS effort to type out an F bomb, or the S word instead of simply keeping it clean. There is no such thing as an accident when typing. Voice chat, sure. Physically typing it, and reading it as you type… not a mistake… by a mile.
Since 2004!! Blizzard has never allowed profanity, slurs, hate speech, etc in WoW. Not even masked. This is not new.
We can argue that they have not enforced it as well as they should and that might be PR related, but it is most certainly not a new thing in the rules. Most modern MMOs are way stricter than WoW, if I understand correctly.
This person gets it and understands they would have to be absolutely over the top violating the code, and possibly more. But I am all for a squelch if it puts them in time out, makes them hate it, and then never repeat their mistake.
I hope you don’t mean me, Mirasol. I never advocated for or said a permaban is happening or should happen. So I hope you are replying to the relevant person to who it concerns, not me. The squelch concerns me, but as I have stated, its not the end of the world and it it is not the end of WoW or socialization, its a thing I have concern for, and have expressed concern of, in a reasonable manner. My mention of the ‘permaban’ was what someone else brought up, and that is what my reply was to.
Very much so. FFXIV is pretty strict and they don’t play games. They will ban you for a few days for your first infraction and potentially permanently for the second.
We do not have free speech in the US! Blizzard is a private company and they can set the rules they wish. Even that said even with free speech between you and the government you do not have the right to use fowl language as part of that free speech.
You can say what you like but sometimes what you say can bring consequences. Why can you not just grow up and learn to communicate with out using fowl and or insulting language? The new social contract did not change anything, In fact this type of thing has been against the TOS for a pretty long time now.