Reported. Reported! Gah

Blizzard: “Hey, don’t swear, cuss or use derogatory language!”


They just don’t know. Growing up playing with fire crackers while hanging from a tree with a cigarette in your mouth getting ready to elbow drop your friend on the ground while everyone is yelling whatever new obscenity they learned in school that day.

Created tougher kids. Now? The new kids have grown up into nervous wrecks that have emotional breakdowns when someone doesn’t throw a like on their picture.


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. You still didn’t answer my question, why does there have to be vulgarity and foul language to have fun? I have fun without insulting anyone, as do most of the people I play with. What I feel you are missing, is that MOST of us don’t appreciate vulgar behavior. It is not why we play, and for the most part drives players away.

We are not talking about everything, we are talking about a player being reported for calling someone a MF (without any context around it) and being upset from the experience. Isn’t one of the major challenges of any game (or experience for that matter) to conquer the game within the constraints of the gaming system? Is that not part of the satisfaction? Is that not what defines “winning”?

Why would it be any different with social conduct?

Finally, we agree.

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It may shock you to know that some of us that grew up with pictures of us holding a beeer while blowing out candles directly over an ashtray with a lit cigarette can still manage to moderate ourselves in mixed company.

Pretty sure it’s called being an adult.


and thats exactly the problem. these kids dont have a clue who they are let alone what they wanna be. todays parents and society bubble wraps everyone and by the time they are old enough to go out in the world they are clueless and in pain over every hard look.


Did I say you? Did it offend you?

There’s no denying that so-called “adults” these days are a neurotic mess.

As opposed to the super hard, thick skinned folk like yourself who log into a video game forum to cry about the fact that they need to control their emotions and stop cursing? Ok dude.


So is going off an entire group and movement being judged by the leadership. If its good for the goose its good for the gander. Especially because the leaders in BLM didn’t let 19 kids die because they were scared to do their job.

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This honestly amuses me to no end. It never ever fails to be someone talking about “snowflakes needing their safe space” while complaining they can’t act in a certain way.

Sorry snowflake, you aren’t special… do you need a safe space? :wink:


i dont curse. there is no need for that language. i control my emotions. if i am wrong i admit it. if i am right i walk away and let you find out later that i was right.

op started this thread based off the fact that since the new tos update people are being reported left right and center over nothing and everything.

just based off of what you said you are the one that is angry. ok dude.

I am not sure that is something we need to, or that I want to discuss on the WoW forums.

As you have demonstrated exceptionally in this thread by neither admitting you were wrong nor walking away and letting us figure it out on our own.

Has reporting increased? Probably. Trolls gonna troll. Easiest way to beat them is just not curse, easy solution.

It’s pretty clear you don’t actually understand what is meant by “Thin Blue Line”, but ok, you do you boo.

It’s just who some of us are? Which isn’t a bad thing. If someone curses I don’t care maybe they needed too? Maybe they love cursing. Maybe they had a bad day and it was warranted? Isn’t there a language filter for those who can’t take vulgarity? Why do we need to restrict everything so you feel like you are walking on egg shells and need to be on your best behavior as if this had real life implications.

It’s a game dude! There is going to be vulgarity it comes with games. Azeroth is place to relieve stress not get more of it lol.

Counter point if someone calls you something you shouldn’t be able to report them without ignoring them first. Again this is about player accountability. Hit the ignore button. The reporting feature is overused and abused.

I’d like to add another perspective. Thanos is my hero and I like to play video games and be like Thanos. I want to be the villain. I want to play that part!! That is why we play games to do make believe, choose sides and create chaos. Thanos wasn’t wrong just misunderstood.

I am sure it has. I mean there was someone the other day posting asking if he could report someone for dcing in an M+. Here’s the thing though: If you aren’t doing what you are reported for: nothing happens. People can report me from now til the end of the world and I have 100% confidence that I won’t be banned because I do not do anything against the ToU.

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NDAs exist to limit peoples speech. if you break the NDA you get the penalties, a great deterrent to breaking confidence. Free speech still exists, but there are consequences.

The hit dogs always holler.

or blizzard can follow in roblox’s footsteps where my kids play and just upload all the words they dont want in any of the chats and or these words that would silence or ban people and prevent them from being typed in chat.

its not a problem for me. i dont use those words. they do nothing for me. they dont make me feel good or powerful. it is not an issue for me. i dont know why you are hounding me about it. its like you got something against me.

If you dont like blizzards rules, dont do business with them. Freedom lives!!!

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