Reply to blue post about wrongful supension/Was out of town

Continuing the discussion from Blizzard allowing griefing through report system:

So everything but the last one are things that were posted from a previous action on the account and were not repeated after, including the twitch link which i was unaware was against tou since i have seen multiple people do it (Somebody actually whispered me after i posted to warn me but it was too late)
so to hold this account responsible after an action was already served seems unfair.

and the “toxic” PSA that you are refering to is a joke on my server…lots of people participate in it much like we used to do chuck norris jokes. It’s harmless and to call it toxic seems like reaching. Here is an exmaple…“Daily PSA: World buffs are NOT hardcore, grouping is NOT hardcore”. And the variations get more and more absurd as that’s the point of the joke…“using a mouse is NOT hardcore”…“having your monitor turned on is NOT hardcore”. Is this REALLY what should ban a person from their account? It’s obviously a joke to anyone that isn’t waiting around for something to be upset about.

The reality of the account that was actioned is that every single interaction on that account is just being silly…there are no threats…there is no vulgarity…there is no attacking people on a personal level…etc etc. It’s all just silliness in chat because that is what wow USED to be. We logged in and socialized in the global channels and had a good time as it didnt cross the lines into the realm of harrassment.

Clearly this is no longer the case and at the end of the day I will just have to accept this fact, but that doesn’t make it right.

I’m going to do my best to type out every single joke i liked to use here for full transparency about how badly the game was “Ruined for others” by “toxic behavior”.

“Daily PSA: World buffs are NOT hardcore, grouping is NOT hardcore, Using your mouse is NOT hardcore, playing with your monitor on is NOT hardcore”

“i have to rite a 200 word essay tonight =(”

“if the sun is a star than why is it a circle”

“how deep would the ocean be if sponges didn’t live in it”

“science is just the worship of the human intellect no different then an religion”

“all facts are just opinions that became popular”

“earth is the greatest planet in the world”

“if prunes are just dehydrated plums wtf even is prune juice…they dehydrate them just to rehydrate them and make juice…why not just make plum juice??”

“no matter what you will always this read wrong”

“if a plain crashes on the border of canada and mexico where do you berry the survivors”

this is all i could think of off the top of my head but all the others are in the same vein as these. To look at these and not realize it’s a joke would require some EXTREME mental gynmastics but i am often astounded the lengths people will go to be offended by things so i guess i shouldn’t be surprised.

If the above is actually what you consider “bad behavior” then we simply see the world differently especially when it comes to humor. At the end of the day the reason i felt i was being unfairly targeted was because when i log in i see conversation CONSTANTLY that are so extreme i cannot even mention the contents here…and yet they continue to exist, while an account that is engaging in silly jokes is being suspended.

When all is said and done…it is what it is, and i’m just going to stop playing around in chat like i used to…but i think it’s important to get the truth out there…the picture you tried to paint of a series of “toxic interactions” is a false narrative and unfair accusation to level.


I wasn’t referring specifically to the last penalty, but simply providing examples from the last few penalties of what would generally be considered against policy.

That it happens, or has happened in the past, is not an indication that it was then or is now, abiding by our policies.

Even Chuck Norris jokes would be penalized depending on the situation.

It is important to keep in mind that our reporting and penalty procedures are reactive, meaning that we look into reports that are submitted by players on your realm. If no one reports the behavior, we’re likely not taking a look at social violations.

On any given realm you have a mixture of players who will report and those who won’t. Many of those that won’t either don’t care, don’t think whatever is said is bad/violates policy, don’t think anything will be done. Everyone else may have their own reasons for reporting, but it usually falls under… they don’t want to see it and/or feel it violates policy.

Perhaps there has been a shift in what is tolerated on your realm.

Just to be clear, players don’t have to consider something offensive to assume that it might not be appropriate. Folks tend to want to use Looking for Group to… look for a group and maybe trying to use the tools that are available to them so they can.

Sometimes people have more of an issue with behavior they find annoying, and less for inappropriate and vulgar language. I can’t speak for those reporting, though they should be reporting anything that violates policy so that none of it enters those channels.

Outside of using the inappropriate acronym, those are fairly clean examples. Obviously I can’t post the ones that would be better examples of toxicity. For reference though, “72% jesus”, “come to the corner…”, the pandemic one, “fined if I don’t wear a seatbelt”.

While those are from nearly a month ago, they are examples of toxic behavior and not a “false narrative”.

If you are looking for more colorful discussions, where that is more tolerated, maybe create your own chat channel. Private channels, while not entirely immune to our policies are considered at will so shouldn’t cause an issue unless the content is extremely inappropriate.

Good luck.