Law says they can’t put out promotional items again, iirc. This is why they don’t have Tyriel’s Charger and the Deathwheel on the Black Market.
Tyriel’s Charger was sold again for three days in China a few years ago. They definitely can do it - and my oldest brother got it unlocked for his account as well.
They simply hold to the “prestige”/FOMO-feeling which is very disliked by the community nowadays.
China is not subject to California law.
Incorrect, actually. In order to get the movie transmog, you had to get a special card from the movie theatre the Warcraft movie was playing at, and then type it’s one-time-use code into WoW’s website.
There was definitely a real-world process ahah
Laughs in Warlord’s Deathwheel.
My paladins use it all the time, as well as the sword.
Are McDonalds prevented from repeating their special items they regularly have available because they are promotions? Apparently not, as I see them advertised whenever they do their Monopoloy promo.
I suppose they could do what FF14 does; have things available ingame for a limited time, then put them on the shop a couple of years later for sale. I mean, they did it for the MoP mount that came with the Collectors Edition. I don’t personally care either way.
I already explained this. It was an ENTIRELY different circumstance.
The situation with the motorcycle was a CONTEST. And, as you said, under the LAW, they can and can’t do things associated with a CONTEST.
The movie… IS NOT a contest! Although you want to draw parallels, they are not the same thing.
And even though I still think Clark and others are wrong, they are wrong because they (seemed) were drawing the same conclusion.
BUT I did allow that Clark could be right, for a different reason. Movie contracts are dense things, there could be a WHOLE LOT of stipulations in there about who gets what money from what source.
And if nothing else, like I asked but never got an answer: Is that shield in the game/lore before WETA Workshop did it? In other words: who “owns” it? Even if it is Blizzard’s IP, WETA made an ORIGINAL drawing that they could very well potentially own the rights to.
That is the crux of it for now. If that gfx is in the game prior to the movie, then 100% Blizzard is just being stubborn.
If it’s NOT in the game until after the movie… then we’re still in grey water and we don’t know. But odds seem in favor of Blizzard still being stubborn. Companies don’t leave free money laying around.
They’re unobtainable. You had to log into WoW after the release of the Warcraft move a while back. They gave you the sword/shield combo, a staff, and I think a mace.
The only thing is, the sword/shield can only be transmogged by alliance and the staff/mace by Horde.
They were themed around Anduin and Gul’dan if I remember correctly.
It’s a badass shield, and it sucks I don’t play any shield wearers primarily or else I’d transmog it for sure.
Not trying to be cynical here, but do you really think that Blizzard cares about any kind of “post explosion”? (as long as it’s not on the level of the real id fiasco)
Sounds like a easy way for Blizz to make some money, they probably just haven’t thought of it until now. If they’re reading the forums (which I’m sure they do) 99% chance it will happen now.
Where are you getting it applies only to contests from? California law is pretty strict and robust. There’s even guidelines for how gifts in bottom of a bag of cereal have to be handled.
You did not have to go to the movie to get the mog, that was given for logging in during the one/two(?) month window. The code was for free game time.
(I did not go to movie - I have mog.)
I have that shield and sword and it’s true, look amazing (No, you don’t have to go to the movie).
Rarely use it, however, as I feel is very human oriented and I don’t play a Human character that uses it. Tend to use mogs that go with the race.
But should I play a Human Paladin or Warrior, I’m definitely mogging around it.
Iirc it would of been based on Llane (Anduins grandfather) since that’s when the movie takes place around.
My bank toon uses the mog. Looks amusing on a Gnome
Login in and opening your mail during WoD was very challenging indeed.
I don’t think they should bring them back. Let people have their exclusive things. They should however, make some cool items for current players.
Same, however the Horde items that came with the achievement are awesome. Gul’dan’s staff and the orcish cleavers are amazing
Because it was never a promotion in China. Different country, different laws. They weren’t allowed to do the promotion in China. So they sold it. We got the promotion.
I don’t know what laws, if any, govern the movie weapons. So that I can’t comment on. But a blue post explained the chopper and the charger to us long ago.
I checked a bunch of art and game stuff and haven’t seen that design prior to the movie design.
What is the Orcish cleavers? I haven’t seen them. Will have to log in and check them out.
[Replica Blood Guard’s Cleaver] is the axe transmog for Horde characters