Replica Lion's Heart Shield

Ohh that one! I mogged it on a low level Orc I have, always thinking it was some Arathi Warfront weapon. Yeah, it looks quite cool.

I really wouldn’t have an objection to that at all. Some people rabidly oppose it though.

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Ok, all about taste but it’s nothing special.

If these Transmogs from Orc and Human Weapons from the Warcraft Movie ether comes back I think it would be nice to see it as a transmog reward from the Stormwind and Orgrimmar Reputation Venders.


Can someone tell me what FOMO stands for? I have seen this used in the last few months and have no idea what it means.

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Fear of missing out.

I didn’t play during WoD.

And I mean, they can have special items from the past come back permanently as challenge rewards where the challenge is high. Something to work towards that requires skill, but will never NOT be available.

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Welp looks like I was wrong and an idiot, thanks for correcting me ahah

I used the event weapons up until Legion artifact appearances came out on my pally. Every now and then I’ll switch it but for the most part feel as though the pally artifacts work better.

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Honestly surprised this isn’t on the BMAH yet.

I was lucky enough to get this shield, it’s based off of the WoW movie.

IMO the Guldan Staff is the best…It looks awesome on a warlock.

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Don’t see why these items couldn’t be available via the Darkmoon Faire. They already sell other “replica” pieces from the past (the replica OG dungeon class sets).

I would love to see the Faire’s vendor offerings cycled every now and then.


I use mine all the time and love it. But ya, I never see anyone else rockin it.

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It means fear of missing out, but these days it’s informally used to describe things that people believe Blizzard does to exploit their fear of missing out (to keep them subscribed), including adding items that are only available for a limited time

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Fear of missing out.

Due to the influx of people throwing the term around (often incorrectly) I’m going to go out on a limb and say that one of the talking head “content creators” made a video about it.

The Mage Tower is coming back, though. You could quit now, come back in a few years and get the mage tower stuff then. The term doesn’t really apply.

When people talk about the original Mage Tower artifact weapon appearances, the definition clearly applies.

As for the new Mage Tower, it’s going to be highly impractical for anyone who didn’t get the mount this time to get it in the future because it’s only going to be around for one week three times a year. You’re not going to be able to practice while it’s gone, which wasn’t as much of an issue in Legion because it was up so frequently.

Really the only thing you’re going to be able to do to make sure you can get it next time is farm Chromie Time items and hope Blizzard doesn’t nerf some of the really strong items that most of the people clearing the challenges are probably using.

I wish that would happen, but actually, a ton of content creators like Bellular and Asmongold support this FOMO practice, unfortunately. I don’t watch content creators. I have always believed that all rewards should stay. It’s my own view, not theirs.