Replica Lion's Heart Shield

It’s called lawsuits bound to happen if they give back those transmogs

Blizzard and legendary productions made a deal on how to promote those Warcraft movie replicas

Blizzard re releasing them will let Legendary Productions sue Blizzard easily

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We know that for the motorcycle/Chopper thing. But I don’t know that for the movie. The motorcycle thing was ENTIRELY different because it was a CONTEST.

Until you provide a source, I can only assume you’re linking the two. Legendary Pictures may have produced the movie… but the IP belongs to Blizzard. Reproducing things in the game YOU STILL OWN THE IP FOR … is not a “contest.”

And… are you then going to say that Legendary doesn’t want Blizzard to further promote the movie? Which would only generate more sales? Which, as I’ve outlined, is nothing but free money since the movie was profitable??

Doesn’t pass the smell test.

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It was a premiere promotion

That premiere promotion lasted two months

The promotion was you watch the movie, Legendary Productions then gave you a month free of WoW at selected movie theaters

In return blizzard made the replicas

That premiere promotion is long gone

Now if blizzard asked legendary productions if they can re release the premiere promotion transmogs again and if they say yes then sure you can have it much as you want

I have read all the articles. Nothing at all links the two things together. Everything seems to indicate Blizzard made the items independent of the movie production, as a way to get people in game to watch the movie.

There is nothing stopping them from re using the skins. It’s their IP they own it. Nothing in game is owned by anyone except Blizzard.

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Unfortunately the link to the blue post got nuked from orbit when they changed forum software but apparently there were indeed contractual issues:

However much like your OP, it might still be possible in the future to obtain due to spaghetti code. So you never know.


Legendary Productions and Tencent Films paid for the rights to use the Warcraft franchise for their movies, not own Blizzard or Warcraft IP itself

It’s the same issue on how Sony owns the rights to Spider Man even though the creators of spider man is Marvel

Marvel is unable to make any spider man movies unless Sony is involved in it

The same goes for Blizzard now, they have the Warcraft IP series yes, but they have no control of the Warcraft movie series

Which is why I say it once again… The promotion is a deal with Blizzard and Legendary Pictures

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I can probably find that blue post give me a moment making pizza at the moment

Ooooo. What kind of pizza? It better not have pineapple on it!

Knowing Clark that’s exactly the kind it probably is.


Although I think Clark is 99% wrong, there is a small loophole that might be true.

While it is obviously Blizzard’s IP, they may have entered an agreement with Legendary/ WETA Workshop (the special effects company) to create their own interpretations of the items in the WoW Universe.

If that’s the case, WETA (who would have designed that shield) maybe has a clause that says that shield is “theirs” and Blizzard can’t reproduce it.

But one thing’s for sure, neither of us know the answer to that.

Is that design in the game before the movie? I don’t think it is, so maybe that’s it. But-- we don’t know.

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Supreme pizza is in the oven atm and thin crust pepperoni is on the left

This one have sausage, red and white onions, spinach and chicken

Do you remember what year it was when a blue posted that info about the replicas


No idea. The previews don’t show dates unfortunately:

This is part of the issue. No one will ever agree on what should be brought back or shouldnt I’m not really for blocking out old stuff but if they brought this back I would really hope they would bring back all the pre release items and legendary questlines cause it’s the same thing. why is a shield you got from a 1 month special event any different then a prerelease mount you got from doing 3 quick quests or even an artifact appearence you could have auto piloted through by the time it ended?

It is appropriate for all troll users of staves, given the “pile o’ skulls” motif that is so iconic for the race.

bring back MoP CM gold gear

It’s actually more of an Orc-Warlock Staff, as much as the axe is one for Orcs as well. Both sets are laser-focused to the Human and Orc-fantasy.

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Should have gone for the Chopper route of it being free for X time and then put in the game as a gold sink after that.

You mean they created a staff that was entirely consistent with the troll “pile o’ skulls” traditional aesthetic by accident? I can accept that.

Please, you know you mean Gul’Daddy.

I think it rather reuses the skulls from the Warlock mythic set in WoD and it compliments it perfectly. I really don’t think it fits the Trolls from a serious RP-perspective but it fits them to a bigger degree.

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