Can this please be placed either on the store as a transmog purchase, or obtainable through mage tower or some in game function please or a new item given the same skin.
It’s one of the best looking shields in the game and really unfair that you 1.) don’t make shields that look as good for in game and 2.) make items like this that were completely happen chance (obtained through logging in during certain period of time for the movie premiere years ago).
I’ve only ever seen one person in game with it equipped or transmogged. So they are either incredibly rare, or players who have them don’t use them much on my server. At any rate… please?
If it is this shield that you’re talking about, it was a promo item when the movie released. There was also a sword.
Edit: My paladin uses both.
Yes I know. I just don’t see any real reason why we can’t bring it back for the store, or mage tower etc. It’s not like artificate appearances where players had to pour sweat blood and tears into it for something unique. It was just a random gift from Blizzard.
Hopefully they will bring it back in some form soon.
Yes, it should come back. I have both item sets (Alliance/Horde) and one of them is an essential part of the Mythic Gul’dan set for the warlocks. I don’t see why such items need to be FOMO-items, people should be allowed to get those items if they want to, even for a prize.
I have it. FOMO is bad. Bring it back, please.
Thanks for the support guys. Items like this would be really neat for Blizzard to bring back and do something with.
If they bring it back, I’d rather it be through a cool questline and not some store bought item. We need less of that, and more cool in game stuff to acquire. Blizzard are getting too comfortable with putting tons of effort into store bought items than actual in game ones as is.
I agree with you there, but honestly as long as it is obtainable somehow I’d be happy.
I got this back when I was playing on my paladin a lot. I rarely, if ever, play on him these days. I do agree it should be available for people somehow. Can’t stand the whole FOMO thing.
I believe there was a horde version too. Bring it back for them also!
I have it but not a big fan, haven’t found a trans mog I liked it with. I really like the Guldan staff though.
I have a transmog i would literally die to use it with my paladin. hope they bring it back somehow.
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The Gul’daniel staff is a must have for any serious mogger and should be available to everyone. I mean… the sword and shield to but they’re very meh compared to the one staff above all.
This - I won’t say this is what’s happening in the majority, but I bet you a lot of people in your server have it and don’t use it. Only five specs use shields in the game, and all five have better options tbh. Holy paladin can transmog to a sick 2h mace with a visible libram, or they can also now opt to transmog to one of the prot shields. It doesn’t really jive as well with resto and elemental and even then, some of the elemental artifact offhand appearances are pretty good. That leaves prot specs, and both have really good appearances with their artifacts, AND paladins got their own specific transmog options, which might be easier to make sets with:
Honestly, I just wish they’d put as much effort into the rest of the armor and weapons in the game. Most pieces look like painted on garbage, especially when it comes to cloth robes. No imagination at all.
I use the weapon and shield set on this character because it looks great with the Vanguard armor set.
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Dont see it much due to faction imbalance. I have it. I just don’t play alliance. Just have to accept you missed things. Like the Horde motorcycle event. You cant get it anymore, but if you’re alliance you can buy yours.
Just gotta accept it.
The really bad thing about it is that you had to log in during the event to get it. I have both, plus the Guldan staff mog but my friend, who had an active account at the time, was on vacation during the log in period and missed out. That’s some BS. It should have been mailed to anyone with an active account.
Since all you had to do to earn it back then was to log in then for the people that want it now, I say sure, put it on the shop, as a full set for $10. What do I care if new people have it.
I’ve got both myself and honestly I’d much prefer it be available to all. FOMO is just stupid
Can you imagine the post explosion of “GG Blizz. Selling something you originally gave away for free. Greedy corporation”.
Its a lose/lose situation.
Unfortunately the weapons and armor that they put the most effort into are almost always time exclusive.
Makes zero sense to put all that work into some that isn’t accessible to the entire player base. What’s even more strange is that players actually like that Blizzard does that lol.