Replica Lion's Heart Shield

Most people that have them have probably quit by now. Plus you can’t use them as Horde.

Wouldn’t care one way or another if it was brought back.


If it was a promo item then it can’t be re-sold thanks to some specific state laws. I am not sure if they could even offer it for free since WoW’s subscription model complicates the issue.

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I agree but these were not items necessarily “earned” when they were available, not like the mage tower weapons which proponents of those returning have asked them to be put back into the mage tower to be earned. I think $10 for this instance would be a reasonable ask since the work has already been done to make them and it would be available to those that missed out.


I see them fairly often and mog it once in a while. I wouldn’t be against putting it in store at this point, or give it out as a queat reward or human heritage armor.


Ideally some in game quest but I will admit I’d buy the set of the lion replica shield and fang for 10 or 15 bucks

It wasn’t a promo it was just free to anyone who logged into the game during a two month period of the movie premiere. Similar to wow anniversary gifts you get in the mail.

Human heritage armor is a great idea. I would level a fresh human to 60 and probably spend tokens gearing it out just to get that set. Win win for Blizzard.


It should be added back. Unique skins shouldn’t be unique after like 2 years. I have it and would love others to have it.

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Which is the reason you are VERY unlikely to see it again in any form.

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Let them make it part of human heritage armor or obtainable in game somehow. Either way I’m fine. Maybe both so those who want to buy it can and those who want to grind for it can

I have it! I just don’t wear it

Shoulda playered in WoD :slight_smile:

I disagree. There are lots of swank shields in the game!

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To an extent. It depends what color set you’re trying to MOG. Nothing comes close for me personally than this shield. I will just have to dream that it will become available again some day!

I couldn’t see using it on anyone except a human warrior or paladin that wants to emulate some sort of kingsguard for RP. But that’s just me. :slightly_smiling_face:

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were legally prevented from making it available again, even if they wanted to, since it was part of a promotion advertising the movie.

But people have been bringing up this “FOMO” stuff a lot recently, as if limited-time and exclusive events haven’t been a part of marketing since…forever. You really need to just get over it.


Nothing should be removed from the game ever.

Everything should always be obtainable even if the challenge to get them is quite high.


At an absolute minimum this should be put into the BMAH.


Horde got a staff instead.

Also fun fact, it is actually still possible to get the mogs and achievement. Yes I know how. No, I’m not telling you how. I will give you 2 clues however:

Holiday. Stormwind.

Have fun :slightly_smiling_face:

I appreciate your willingness to troll someone that really wants something, but there is no way to get the items or achievement, period.

You’re wrong (in this case) but I’m not gonna get baited by you. Spaghetti code :slightly_smiling_face:

Every year, on the anniversary of the release of the movie, they should make it available SOMEHOW + to obtain it again.

  • “somehow” means: do it in such a way that it reminds/ exposes new people to the fact the movie exists in the first place. The movie may not have broken records, but it was PROFITABLE. Which means any promotion/sales at this point would be PURE PROFIT.

It’s nothing short of refusing to take FREE MONEY to not put this back in the game as I’m outlining.


Dang. It seems I missed all the coolest transmogs:/ The shop sets just don’t seem as cool to me as this and the yeti suit.