Mechagnomes are the only allied race worth playing. I mean, check me out, I am RAD. I mean, sure, I’m a bit rusty, but you don’t get a lot of time for upkeep when you’re constantly running from the law, you know?
we got hideous nightborne, clones of tauren, brown orcs, and furries. Also why the hell would sethrak be alliance? it makes no sense. It’s like asking for vrykul,high elves(oh wait we already have those )or the jinyu guys on horde or gilgoblins or ogres for alliance. It is in a horde continent, lives beside a horde race, and works with the horde
awesome mog dude
That is actually a very cool look. I like seeing mechagnome mogs that not only work around their limited slot options, but also work around the silver and rust colored skins as the heritage is basically only for the gold-plated ones.
i agree with rosenylund.
They’re obviously meant for amputee fetishists.
There is no way to have anything less tragic and without any quality other than showing how ridiculous things are in the alliance.
So we can only have things done to humiliate and lower the esteem that ally can cause and can use to attract more players.
neither in lore nor in allied races.
At least in Shadowlands, we won’t have to wait for something worse, unless Blizzard decides to make wooden gnomes.
Junkgnomes, a refuse that appeared in BfA without any relation to BfA, with N’zoth, Azshara, Horde or alliance, coming from a filler with no history significance, exist to make vulperas look even better than they already are.
Have Mercy
Just loosen transmog restrictions. I would 100% race change my warrior from gnome to mecha. But everything looks so gdamn stupid on them…
hides face
I like my little mechagnomes - my only disappointment is their classes are identical to regular Gnomes.
I resubbed about 3 weeks ago after 14 months away. I am finding Mechagon feeling more like Borderlands 3 than I would have hoped. Don’t get me wrong, I got a lot of joy out of Borderlands 3. Just Wow is not that game and it all feels and looks kind of ugly to me. But I’m trying to keep an open mind and embrace the mecha ethos.
Mechagnomes aren’t my favorite AR but they’re here to stay.
But good lord could they ever use some more customization options. They could literally have almost limitless customization and instead there’s hardly anything.
IMO, mechagnomes should have gotten paladins instead of warlocks. Doesn’t make sense for them as they’ve had 0% contact with the Legion, and the paladin class would have separated them from regular gnomes a bit.
Mechagnomes seem to be far more order-inclined than regular gnomes, and they could have easily followed “The Light of Invention” or some such. If tauren could worship the sun and Zandalari could get their powers from a dinosaur, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to put that in. xD
There’s plenty of us.
Let folk play what they like.
How bout both? I think we’d want to study both forms of magic.
I’d agree… but we really don’t need any more furries.
half my mythic raid roster are mechagnomes, they’re so good on locks-mages and also tanks.
humans are probably better casters but the cheat death has saved us many times
We make excellent hunters as well!
they prefer dwarfs for the 2% crit dmg racial but I think mechagnomes are probably the second best race in the list, for alliance
The only issue is, how would mechagnomes even be aware of both forms of magic? They’ve had 0 Legion contact.
What about the not so grump turtle people?