Replace Mechagnomes

I forgot that the mechagnomes got full robot upgrades as their heritage armor. That’s pretty sweet.

I’ll fully admit that they do look ridiculous without the heritage armor…I would not have rolled one without that as an end goal.

Gotta find better weapons for the mog, the ones I have “work”, but he looks like he has massive back boobs when they are sheathed.

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I like em either way, but I do admit that it makes me want to play them even more. (I actually really like the Vulp heritage armor too)

I wish we had gotten the fungus people from drustvar instead

it’s the diapers. give them better mog options and i’ll play one, or well someone will. i wish horde had sethrak and alliance vulpera, but too late now.

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Mechagnomes are catered to people with low standards


oh yeah?

well vulpera are catered to FURRIES!!

how about them apples :smirk:

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rule number 1 of mmos: You can add anything you want, but you cant remove anything.
Imagine if all those 5 ppl that have mechagnomes decide to class action lawsuit blizzard for removing their character and progression?

not good.

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Mechagnome is likely my favorite alliance race, and the only alliance character I currently, kinda sorta play. Guess I’m one of the 5?


I actually kind of like mechagnomes. Am I the only one? The hands and legs are a putoff but the aesthetic and racials and theme are awesome. The heritage looks really good with them, there should be multiple tints tho. I think the main problem is how bad any other mog looks because of the arms and legs.

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and vulpera aren’t lol?


I would have enjoyed mechagnomes if…well you know they were fully meched out? Now, Sethrek, that is a race I can get behind.

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Couldn’t agree more both about heritage and the other mogs issue. I made the perfect gold gnome, I’d probably still be maining him if he had a rusty suit of heritage though.

Here’s hoping they consider more mechanical armor in the future, to me it’s what makes the race what it is, it’s the only way they look good. Some people are into robes on them but that seems like you might just want a regular gnome.

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So are Vulpera and “those” people

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How about just letting people play what they enjoy? I’d say the same for someone bashing Vulpera.


The heritage set is there for the fully-mechanized look if that’s what you’re after.


I guess I am 1 of the 5.


same. and fungi. and aelody. and henwywobot. Hey we are the 5 mechagnome fans!

I’m sorry, but that’s all the BfA will have.
We are not going to have anything better than a race literally recycled from gnomes and scrap metal, because Blizzard doesn’t think ally deserves anything better.
At least be happy that there is something in the horde that does not cause cringe and is a cause for disdain to encourage cheap laughter.
Something that is popular and a hit in the image of appreciation of the horde and that arouses interest and not deception.

At this point, sethrak would be a possibility, but only in the horde.
In the alliance, something funny is the best we can hope for for the faction.
Devs would not waste something better used in the horde and with a real sense of appreciation in the alliance.

Just see kultirans, purple blood elves and junkgnomes.

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Like Worgen? Like elves? Like literally every race except humans?