Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

First time posting. The best decision ever. While keeping old players remain the satisfaction of old Mage Tower stuff, it also attracts new player to have incentive to play new Mage Tower.

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I’ll quote you what blizzard said on it, with their MT announcement way back in 2017 - it will give players a distinctive look and bragging rights - and they warned everybody to be sure to get that done, repeatedly, because with the BFA patch it was not obtainable.

Something fundamentally wrong there pal? Have your human rights been violated? Give me a break.

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Really like the addition of the new gear sets. More importantly I’m sad we cant earn the original artifact appearances. It’s been years since they’ve been closed off and their exclusivity I think has been important. I don’t believe it is anymore. This is something I’ll do on a couple characters but I wont rush to level everything up to earn all the appearances I didn’t get last time around. Hope this can be changed :slight_smile:

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Clarification question… Does this need to be seven different characters? Or just multiple characters completing all of the challenge bosses? Like I have 4 level 60’s… If I can do it on 2 or 3 does that suffice?

Love the Mage and Priest recolor.

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Well so much for good will right? People should be able to push for artifact appearances if they choose to do so.


The issue here is all the appearances are unique but bears are the only ones who get theirs. For example the flails for warrior and pally are the only ones in the game. I got mine but I bet there are people would love to use them but didn’t get them.


Good thing its new rewards and not giving people the actual mage tower appearances.

I’m confused… are you proud of the 4/10N that you have this tier? Or is it the 1/10H from last tier that makes you a proven healer?

M+ healers don’t’ make or break runs… the tank and DPS not taking unnecessary damage do.

All your top M+ runs this season are with people who have a higher RIO than you… This is awkward.

I agree. I also have the mogs/skins from legion on my druid and I think 4 years was plenty of time for bragging rights. It breaks my heart every time a random player sends me a tell asking me how to get my sparkle feral cat form and I have to tell them it’s no longer obtainable :pensive:. Knowing about something existing at the time it was available does not deserve bragging rights, that’s just luck. Having the skill to overcome a challenge should be the only thing preventing players from obtaining any transmog/skin that exist in the game. Remove limited time barriers!


This is perfect.

Players who want the challenge and didn’t play in legion for whatever reason win.

Players who did complete the challenge in legion have motivation to complete it again for the new reward.

Players who want to keep the unique transmog from legion win.

Players who want a new transmog from a solo challenge win.

Everyone one wins!


like i said, i’m sorry if you didn’t get them and you’re upset about it, but jealousy is a bad trait imo.

i don’t see anyone flaunt their challenge mode things in game tbh…but i feel like some jealous types get upset just at the sight of them, which isn’t cool.

not sure where you got that vibe from me though. i just think they should add new challenge rewards to the game so everyone gets an opportunity to get cool, unique stuff to look back on years from now.


thal’kiel is so unique for warlocks, and we like other classes got left in the dirt. while blizzard favors druids smh…

People get pleasure from a lot of things. Sometimes, one of those many things is getting a cool and special thing that only a veteran player in your favorite video game would have. You are so thirsty to make it malicious.

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I actually made a post about that Bring back Claws of Shirvallah I hope it catchs on a little so blizz notices people still want it.

Imagine now with convoke lol

It’s wrong that only the druid tank has a recolor of its artifact weapon.
If they could recolor one appearance, why not recolor the other weapons?

just put that the new recolor will be Legion Timewalking and the other colors will not let you get it if you do not have the original color of the challenge (the first color when you completed the mage tower) and so the colors of the mage tower would remain exclusive of the expansion that has already ended.

And just to confirm, you’ve never gone in to a raid that wasn’t current to get transmog gear? Or even old dungeons? For mounts, transmog, pets, achievements?

Stop being a hypocrite.


Oh hang on little dude, I don’t see the achievement in your profile. You sure you got it? Like you claimed? Because I’m not seeing it… though I can see you were playing in Legion.

Cool, it’s okay to lie about stuff until you get caught.



Jesus christ lol.

Moral high ground over video game pixels now.

Tell me this place isn’t literally Reddit at this point.