Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

Mage Tower is lvl 50 or 60?

Exactly man. Lmao no matter how you look at it, the logic does not add up. If they’re saying this, Raid mogs should disappear at the end of the tier.


I’m betting it would be very difficult to find someone with this achievement from before 2016, considering that is when it was added.


You aren’t though at all rofl. Every single one of your “achievements” was carried by tanks who have done higher runs with better healers. Wasn’t wrong about cars and don’t care about challenge mode stuff if I want mogs I go get them that’s why I only have certain season mogs. Same reason I don’t care about pushing IO I got my s2 mount and do one key a week for chest since I literally have 3 upgrades left to get before kt/sylv.


lol i am soooooo good at this game i am i really am! best healer in NA imo

can’t you see me wearing challenge mode gear? I’m a proven healer :revolving_hearts:

i know you’re baiting me but i still wont’ check your armory…i bet you anything i’m ranked higher than you lol and that’s good enough for me honestly :nerd_face: i am not insecure about any of my achievements or my mythic+ rating lol

Yes Blizzard, sorry I didn’t played 12 characters on Legion. Now I am 100% sure I’ll never have the flail weapon for my warrior or paladin.
But sure, give druids their hidden artifact, I am happy for them, really are. But I am very sorry for all other 11 classes and the 3 other druid specs.


They were still obtainable a patch later and a complete push over then in mediocre gear.

What I don’t get is they made it abundantly clear at the time they would remain specialization locked and they were willing to walk that back, years later, yet won’t let them be obtainable again, unless your a guardian druid apparently.


Hm possible I thought it was added with the achievement system either way highly doubtful they got t3 when it was current.

well hopfully theyll let us queue w/ our alts

may be our caracters will be adjusted to some random ilvl

I like the fact it’s unique - it gives me a sense of accomplishment and pride. So I enjoy that. Also, beyond my personal feelings on it, the larger issue is the idea of marketing time-locked achievements - and they have done this since the beginning. You want them to open it all up, the Glad mounts the AoTC mounts, everything? You think you speak for everybody here? They can just suck it up, because it’s all just pixels?

And how then does Blizzard competently market such things in the future - they just don’t.

I get you don’t care, and I get your main go-to is to hurl insults at people who don’t agree with you but again, your opinions are just that, one guy’s opinion.


Yes I can see you wearing gear obtained about 2 months before the wod pre patch when routes had been completely optimized. Says a lot that you still use that gear rather than ever changing up your xmog if I was to guess.


Being able to log in during late Legion and walk in the MT is not an accomplishment.


Once again, not answering my two questions… You going to or no?

Does others getting it now take away your accomplishment then? If that’s the case, then you have many other issues you need to look at WELL before this.


So play a druid if you want something new, gotcha…

Otherwise this is kinda…bland really I’m not gonna lie, I’d prefer they give us a simple recolor of the artifact appearances from Legion. Let the Legion players keep the OG colors so they can feel special and everyone will be happy.

Glad to see unique rewards staying unique. Looking foward to getting new transmogs and the spellbook mount too.

i can change my xmog for you if that’s what you want me to do…

and to be completely honest, i don’t know what i was doing during the challenge modes. I made some friends on a 3rd party forum advertising for a group and then we were friends for a week and we killed all the things…then i got birds and this awesome xmog :slight_smile:

i was not nerdy enough to check for routes back then lmao

Your opinion isn’t any more valid than the people who worked hard to collect exclusive rewards and want to keep them exclusive. Glad Blizz stuck to their guns on this, as they always specifically said the MT appearances would be time-limited.

Some of you have this bizarre moral high ground complex about this like people are being discriminated against by not being given a cool item in a video game. If you legitimately think you are a better person for not caring about exclusive pixels, please touch grass.


“15 Redditors who never got told no by their parents can’t handle that other people might have something that they don’t” is a more accurate assessment of the situation.

Willing to bet the community at large doesn’t care or got over it after 5 seconds or so.

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Won’t really change being a person who only can derive pleasure from having what others don’t but you do you.

reward only one class, but give others bad or worse reskins than whats available. so tone deaf amirite