Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

i don’t raid anymore, and i’m completely fine in mythic+. I don’t play it as much and i grinded from a 0 rating at the start of season 1 in group finder.

I’m sure most of the pugs i played with a few weeks ago are much higher than me…but i always finish the season top 3 on my server :slight_smile:

we have plenty of weeks for me to get back into mythic+. a lvl 27 gnome alt isn’t going to make me feel like a noob because i haven’t gotten all my portals yet lol, like…that’s awkard :slight_smile:

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He doesn’t even have the achievement.


So you’re saying there’s hope for the caterpillar…

They also said it’s tied to having the weapon equipped and being in that specific spec, but neither of those are true anymore. How come you aren’t complaining about that then?

The thing fundamentally wrong is you purposely won’t answer the two questions because you know you’ve been called out and you can’t answer it without being called out more.


Couldn’t have said it better…

How do these players win? They don’t get to work toward the MT weapon appearances, which is what they all have wanted. This isn’t a win at all.

A win-win would have been to include both the MT weapon appearances (or at the very least recolors, which they apparently decided was appropriate ONLY for guardian druids, despite most of the weapon appearances also using completely unique models) AND the new armor recolors. Instead all we get are more recolors of an armor set that has been used in two different raid tiers now. And honestly some of those recolors are pretty crap…


The druid skin achievement won’t show up on a mage character… weird how that works, rofl.

I won’t even bother trying to explain it to you. Once you answer my two questions from 30 minutes ago, you can have a seat at the adult table.

You’ve replied to me 5 times now and still won’t answer them because you know you have no leg to stand on.

true, they favored only druids with recolor. but left everyone else in the dirt
recoloring could take 5 minutes for most the apperances

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Sure I go get transmog and old mounts. But I also acknowledge that there are mounts, gear, pets, and titles that I can never get because they are exclusive to people who worked hard to get them when the content was relevant.

They earned a reward that I didn’t. I can still happily collect 95% of the other stuff in the game.


Oh well. I guess people are going to have to get over the idea that they should be able to have anything they want in the world.


As a player that was adamantly against bringing it back, I feel like this is a fantastic compromise. Kudos Blizzard!


Imagine thinking M+ ends when you get a portal to a dungeon, rofl.

Once again, healers don’t make runs, the tank & DPS do. Also RIO tracks what the person’s RIO was when they completed the run, not their current one.

You also only took a week off. Was last week too hard because it required the healers to actually be good? Rofl

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Imagine wanting to work toward something in a video game… How horrible of us.

Yes, we should be able to achieve whatever we want to put our minds to. The expansion timing shouldn’t matter at all.


So, Blizzard. I feel like you were so so close to getting this perfect. I can understand not wanting to give people the same skins from back then. Cause as you said it would dimish their value. But then you went hypocritical and are giving people the Werebear skin. You need to go all in for people on this one. I got the majority of the skins when the Mage Tower was live, and I’m on the side of, hey if people wana get them, let them get them. But if you’re wanting to cater to the people who did it first, then do so. But bring back the skins with alternate colors, like what you did for the Werebear.

So many of my friends want the Flails for both Protection Warriors, and Pally’s. I would love extra colors for the weapons I got during that time, it’s a win/win situation. You could even expand upon it each expansion by adding MORE rewards for doing them again. Like recolors of the Pandarian Armor sets, or the WoD weapons. For example, I have the Lich Lord set from Pandaria, give me a recolor that has all the horns glow Red for a Blood Themed mog, or Green color scheme and glow for an Unholy theme. This way people who got the original’s cant complain about everyone getting it. But people who weren’t around at the time can get the same models.

All in all, I’ll be getting the Fel Werebear on my druid to add to the Werebear collection, but I feel like you should of gone all in on giving people different versions of the Artifact skins. I got a total of 18 of the mage tower skins, and 7 of the Panadrian Challange mode sets, and I would be more then happy for people to be able to re-aquire them.


So why do you think some items should be gated and not others? Shouldn’t it all be then according to you? Why aren’t you getting pissed that people can go back and collect old gear that is trivial to get now?

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It wasn’t. I also have Benediction / Anathema, and had it for years. Benediction / Anathema was removed with Cataclysm launch and revamp of the old world, which was back in 2010. 2016 is when the achievement was added. It’s impossible for anyone to have the achievement before that date.

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i don’t even know what you’re talking about tbh lol

i’m drinking my coffee and having some nerd time on the forums, go away and level up little one. You won’t be doing any +20’s this season and you know it - that’s why you’re on your alt. let the big boys and girls discuss mythic+ and ratings in other, relevant threads…you can go back to calling people names since you don’t have any cool transmogs :slight_smile:


In my experience it’s the opposite it’s the people who got it super late by and large who wa t to keep it exclusive the ones who got it early have moved on to other appearances just like getting the mythic set each season and moving on largely not bothering with mog.

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I didn’t see anything for Arcane mage.

So Guardian Druids are allowed to have a unique recolor of their Artifact Appearance but every other Class/Spec in the game is getting recolors of recolors of recolors. This is an idiotic decision.


big true, they backpeddled mid post. and it’s telling how much they want to appease druids and only druids

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