Bring back Claws of Shirvallah

Since this is apparently gonna be a heavy cosmetic patch with mage tower allied race customizations, ect. Can we please bring back claws of Shirvallah for druids? We have reached an age in wow where xmog has become increasingly important as new things have been added to the game for example back cosmetics and glasses. Druids unfortunately miss out on all of these as they are usually in an animal form whose option pool seems smaller and smaller as the general cosmetic pool gets bigger and bigger. It seems a waste to let a unique skeleton go to waste especially when it would be used for something with so few options and gaurdian druid is getting something in mage tower anyway so why not let feral druid get shirvallah back or at least something else cool.



These should have been glpyhs AGES ago when they were taken out of the game as a talent!


NGL, claws form looks a million times better than warebear.


I believe there reasoning at the time of removing it was it had some minor animations bugs…so uh fix it then? honestly I wouldn’t care at all if my animation looks wonky if I get to be a werecat feral druid.

Agreed! They can look weird all they want, I just want saber cat!

Maybe they’re planning on turning Saberon into an allied race.


God i remember rocking a feral druid through wod as the saber cat…I miss that form so much!

I really doubt it I mean it would be cool I guess but there is no feasible way to introduce that as the saberon are wiped out in that wod timeline from yrel as far as I know and it would be extremley random. plus if they do that then they just need to give feral something else. Saberon being an allied race doesnt justify feral having nothing

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Agree, even though I love Glitter Kitty, I enjoyed Claws the most as feral back in WoD. :cat:

If they took out something every time there was a visual bug, we wouldn’t have a game lol. I wonder what the actual reason was.


Some Saberon crossed over to Azeroth during the Mag’Har recruitment scenario. If they can justify Void Elves I’m sure they can justify Saberon.


apparently they cant justify void elves that’s why we pretty much have high elves now haha

I didn’t play druid during WoD, but having these forms return as barber options would be pretty great.


best part is this isnt even a prestige thing there’s no reason to lock this behind anything though mage tower would be a sweet way to introduce it.

And though it appears that there’s only male models there are female tigron models that could be repurposed for female saberon to have both genders available. Unless Blizz deliberately made them gender neutral because at first glance who can actually tell a male and female cat apart.

I have to admit those forms looked awesome!

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Yes, they were insanely cool.

Nope, that’s going to be the cat form for when they add Human Druids :smiley:

i really hope DEVs ready any of this i know its a long shot but I miss this when they took it away I quite the game for years /sadface @ wow devs

Bump pls blizz make this happen I miss this form just give it to us as a glygh